Six on Politics: Rudy Giuliani Had Another Great Television Appearance Today; How Mitch McConnell is winning the long game; D

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philip panaritis

Jun 3, 2018, 8:39:39 PM6/3/18
to Six on History

Six on Politics: Rudy Giuliani Had Another Great Television Appearance Today; How Mitch McConnell is winning the long game; Donald Trump inherits Ronald Reagan’s wind; Pro-Trump Effort to Keep Black Voters From the Polls; From the classroom to the campaign trail: Emboldened teachers run for office; Donald Trump is not your president

"If the goal of today’s daily Rudy Giuliani TV appearance was to make his dumb and corrupt client look even worse, consider that mission accomplished.

Giuliani spoke with ABC News’ George Stephanopoulos about the Trump legal team’s January letter to Special Counsel Robert Mueller, which was reported on by the New York Times on Saturday. The letter said, among other things, that Trump “could, if he wished, terminate the inquiry, or even exercise his power to pardon if he so desired.”

Stephanopoulous asked Giuliani if he thought Trump could pardon himself. Giuliani said “probably.”

“He has no intention of pardoning himself but he probably — not to say he can’t,” Giuliani, who joined the legal team after the letter was delivered to Mueller on January 29, said. “I mean, that — that’s another really interesting constitutional argument, can the president pardon himself.” Yeah, I guess “interesting” is one way to put it.

The letter also said that Trump isn’t “readily available to be interviewed,” which the Times interpreted as a warning to Mueller. Stephanopoulous asked Giuliani if that meant Trump wasn’t going to sit for an interview.

“It doesn’t mean that completely,” Giuliani responded. “It means that, you know, there’s got to be a high bar they have to reach in terms of convincing us that they’re fair, convincing us that we’re going to get the things we need.” What does “fair” mean, apart from the completely made up Spygate thing? Who knows!"

How Mitch McConnell is winning the long game (There's also the judges.)

"If McConnell’s low emotional metabolism allowed him to become agitated, he would do so about complaints — mostly from people inattentive to events or uninformed about possibilities — that Republican control of the two political branches is not producing results. McConnell says:

The largest tax reduction in 31 years has contributed to the best economy in 18 years. Defense spending is up, many Dodd-Frank banking rules and the Obamacare individual mandate have been repealed. Drilling in the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, blocked for 38 years, has been approved, as has a reconfigured National Labor Relations Board, a source of much Obama administration mischief. The Congressional Review Act, under which Congress can disapprove many regulations issued by federal agencies, has been used 19 times since it was enacted in 1996 — 18 of them in this Congress.

This, says McConnell, constitutes the best 18 months of center-right governance in his Senate career, which began when Ronald Reagan’s second term did. There also are the judges."

Inside the Pro-Trump Effort to Keep Black Voters From the Polls

"At each stop, Carter argued that Trump’s business experience would enable him to revive urban neighborhoods in ways Democrats had failed to do. He targeted such places as a barber shop in DeSoto, Tex., a town whose population is 70 percent black.

“So here’s why I’m here,” he begins, according to one video. “Everybody here is voting for Hillary … but let me give you a little history on Hillary. If you understood and saw that Hillary saw young black men as super-predators, would that affect you?” One patron nods his head, acknowledging one of Clinton’s more infamous remarks during her husband’s administration."

 From the classroom to the campaign trail: Emboldened teachers run for office
Donald Trump is not your president

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