Six on Pres. Trump: Consider That Trump Might Just Be Dumb; ‘I was right!’ Being Donald Trump means never saying you were wro

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philip panaritis

Jan 6, 2018, 8:18:24 PM1/6/18
to Six on History
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Consider That Trump Might Just Be Dumb
"Donald Trump has spent the entire first year of his presidency doing the opposite of learning on the job. Nowhere is this more plainly obvious than his grasp of foreign policy; the only thing he has learned, it seems, is that the media loves it when he bombs stuff or gets troops killed."

Trump’s extraordinary tweetstorms mark an unsettling start to 2018

"In a White House marked by a string of high-level comings and goings, an extraordinary level of palace intrigue and a general sense of unpredictability, there remains but one constant. That is the disorder at the center, perpetrated by a president who continues to break the norms of his office. It’s the reason 2018 could eclipse 2017 for political turbulence.

The first week of the year was breathtaking for its shock value: a presidential tweetstorm of personal animus and policy provocation that overshadowed positive news about the economy. That has become the running story of the Trump presidency: a chief executive whose personal behavior has become the administration’s defining feature rather than the gains of a growing economy or the significant course reversal from the Obama years.

The tweets took another stunning turn on Saturday morning, ..."

Democracy and Facts in the Age of Trump

"More troubling, though, is the thought that the lack of concern derives from a growing complacency regarding democracy’s origins—and its staying power. The implicit social contract that underpins democracy didn’t come about spontaneously. It grew steadily, first in England, as a counterpart to the advances made by the scientists and the entrepreneurs of the Enlightenment, which, in turn, coaxed citizens to reject both the dogma of priests and the authority of princes. It was defended by such practical innovators as the tableware manufacturer Josiah Wedgwood, who was not only a champion of abolitionism but Charles Darwin’s grandfather; and, in the American colonies, by such people as the inventor and small businessman Benjamin Franklin. Citizens didn’t always agree—the principle of tolerance was a tribute to inevitable differences in perspective—but that didn’t discredit the ideal of democracy’s reliance on facts. Indeed, self-government was only possible because citizens could argue themselves into founding the institutions that facilitated the changes that the facts warranted: an executive branch limited by a legislature and an independent judiciary, justified by a study of historical abuses by monarchs, for example. Principles of action derived from facts were, in short, what the commonwealth had, well, in common. This process couldn’t have worked if facts were treated as things that people just cherry-picked to justify their prejudices. (That’s why Kellyanne Conway’s phrase “alternative facts” seems so cautionary.)"

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