Six on Food: How Protein Conquered America; A Food Stamp Indignity Worthy of Dickens; Jackson Diner a must-try Indian eatery;

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philip panaritis

Mar 1, 2018, 6:51:16 PM3/1/18
to Six on History
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Six on Food: How Protein Conquered America; A Food Stamp Indignity Worthy of Dickens; Jackson Diner a must-try Indian eatery; This Massive Underground City is Filled With Wine; David Chang’s New Netflix Series; "Cooks drying 'silverware' in logging camp near Effie, Minnesota."; 

Control the World - Food and Beverage (2).jpg
Vehicles move past watermelons displayed for sale from a cart along a street at a neighborhood in Karachi, Pakistan.jpg
iDifferent mole sauces on display in Oaxaca..jpg
YangtzeRiver_A fish farmer cuts grass to feed carp. Hubei Province, China, 2015..jpg
Workers in Kiên Giang, Vietnam, shift trays of fish drying in the sun. Located in the Mekong Delta, Kiên Giang, along with a few other provinces in the region, is a major player in Vietnam’s fishing industry..jpg
Women catch fish with their baskets in a paddy field in Nagaon district in the northeastern state of Assam, India,.jpg
what-kids-eat-in-a-week-world-daily-bread-12.jpgBeryl Oh Jynn, 8, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.jpg
what-kids-eat-in-a-week-world-daily-bread-07.jpgRosalie Durand, 10, Nice, France.jpg
Water contaminated with RDX seeped from the old Trojan explosives plant through an irrigation ditch used by Mapleton residents who grow their own food.jpg
Water buffalo are slaughtered and processed in Al-Faheem Meatex plant in Meerut.jpg
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