Six on the Middle East: Pompeo says God may have sent Trump to save Israel from Iran; Trump and Kushner are trying to bribe t

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Mar 29, 2019, 1:51:40 AM3/29/19
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Six on the Middle East: Pompeo says God may have sent Trump to save Israel from Iran; Trump and Kushner are trying to bribe their way to an annihilation of Palestinian statehood, and an erasure of Israel’s crimes; The moral case for recognizing Jewish sovereignty on the Golan Heights; The Lie Factory; Remember Jared Kushner’s Middle East peace plan?; The protests Hamas don’t want you to see

Robert Fisk: Trump and Kushner are trying to bribe their way to an annihilation of Palestinian statehood, and an erasure of Israel’s crimes

"This was the first time in modern Arab history that America has offered the bribes before anyone has agreed to the terms"

Palestine” has been compared to many things. The world’s longest colonial war, a “hell-disaster” – Churchill’s memorable epithet – and the site of Israel’s “war on terror”, a conflict in which we are supposed to believe that the Palestinians are playing the role of al-Qaeda or Isis or any other outfit which the west and its allies have helped into existence, and which Israel is going to fight on our behalf.

But there are times when Palestine turns out to have been located in the Bermuda Triangle. The Palestinians disappear. They cease to exist. They are forgotten, irrelevant, outside the landscape of fear, pain, injustice and occupation that we once heard about so often. No one can imagine what has happened to these Palestinians. Like the aircraft and boats which strayed into the mythical triangle, they shouldn’t have been there in the first place. Sad to see them go. But it’s a mystery.

The last two weeks have been a case in point. Trump’s fey and vain son-in-law Jared Kushner, a supporter of Israel’s colonial expansion on Arab land, set off with Trump’s “special representative to the peace process” Jason Greenblatt (the man who says that “West Bank settlements are not an obstacle to peace”) to work out the economic underpinning of Trump’s “deal of the century” to solve the Palestinian-Israeli conflict.

Kushner went to visit some Muslim killer-states, some of them with very nasty and tyrannical leaders – Saudi Arabia and Turkey among them – to chat about the “economic dimension” of this mythical deal.

Middle East leaders may be murderers with lots of torturers to help them stay in power, but they are not entirely stupid. It’s clear that Kushner and Greenblatt need lots and lots of cash to prop up their plans for the final destruction of Palestinian statehood – we are talking in billions – and the Arab leaders they met did not hear anything about the political “dimension” of Trump’s “deal”. Because presumably there isn’t one. After all, Trump thinks that by moving the US embassy to Jerusalem and declaring it the capital of Israel, he has taken that most holy of cities “off the table”.

 BBC News: Pompeo says God may have sent Trump to save Israel from Iran

Pompeo says God may have sent Trump to save Israel from Iran
The US secretary of state suggested divine intervention delivered Trump for the salvation of Israel.

The moral case for recognizing Jewish sovereignty on the Golan Heights

"Jewish history and the Syrian alternative give Israel the moral highground, literally"

The Lie Factory

"A Mother Jones Special Investigation: The inside story of how the Bush administration pushed disinformation and bogus intelligence and led the nation to war."

"Kwiatkowski, 43, a now-retired Air Force officer who served in the Pentagon’s Near East and South Asia (NESA) unit in the year before the invasion of Iraq, observed how the Pentagon’s Iraq war-planning unit manufactured scare stories about Iraq’s weapons and ties to terrorists. “It wasn’t intelligence‚ — it was propaganda,” she says. “They’d take a little bit of intelligence, cherry-pick it, make it sound much more exciting, usually by taking it out of context, often by juxtaposition of two pieces of information that don’t belong together.” It was by turning such bogus intelligence into talking points for U.S. officials‚ — including ominous lines in speeches by President Bush and Vice President Cheney, along with Secretary of State Colin Powell’s testimony at the U.N. Security Council last February‚ — that the administration pushed American public opinion into supporting an unnecessary war.

Until now, the story of how the Bush administration produced its wildly exaggerated estimates of the threat posed by Iraq has never been revealed in full. But, for the first time, a detailed investigation by Mother Jones, based on dozens of interviews‚ — some on the record, some with officials who insisted on anonymity‚ — exposes the workings of a secret Pentagon intelligence unit and of the Defense Department’s war-planning task force, the Office of Special Plans. It’s the story of a close-knit team of ideologues who spent a decade or more hammering out plans for an attack on Iraq and who used the events of September 11, 2001, to set it into motion.

Six months after the end of major combat in Iraq, the United States had spent $300 million trying to find banned weapons in Iraq, and President Bush was seeking $600 million more to extend the search. Not found were Iraq’s Scuds and other long-range missiles, thousands of barrels and tons of anthrax and botulism stock, sarin and VX nerve agents, mustard gas, biological and chemical munitions, mobile labs for producing biological weapons, and any and all evidence of a reconstituted nuclear-arms program, all of which had been repeatedly cited as justification for the war. Also missing was evidence of Iraqi collaboration with Al Qaeda.

The reports, virtually all false, of Iraqi weapons and terrorism ties emanated from an apparatus that began to gestate almost as soon as the Bush administration took power. In the very first meeting of the Bush national-security team, one day after President Bush took the oath of office in January 2001, the issue of invading Iraq was raised, according to one of the participants in the meeting‚ — and officials all the way down the line started to get the message, long before 9/11. Indeed, the Bush team at the Pentagon hadn’t even been formally installed before Paul Wolfowitz, the deputy secretary of Defense, and Douglas J. Feith, undersecretary of Defense for policy, began putting together what would become the vanguard for regime change in Iraq."

Remember Jared Kushner’s Middle East peace plan?

"Rep. David E. Price (D-N.C.) highlighted these actions in a question to Pompeo on Wednesday, citing the move of the U.S. Embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem; the closure of a Palestinian political office in Washington and the U.S. Consulate in Jerusalem that served the West Bank; and cuts to the United Nations Relief and Works Agency for Palestine Refugees in the Near East (UNRWA) and West Bank assistance funding.

“Can you tell me how this is supposed to work?” Price asked, noting that the Palestinians were refusing to meet with U.S. officials.

Trump’s recognition of Israeli control over the Golan Heights, a strip of land seized from Syria in the 1967 Arab-Israeli war, has also further complicated matters. As Today’s WorldView noted earlier this week, the decision seems to have been timed to boost Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, a Kushner family friend, ahead of the April 9 elections.

The move could have an impact beyond simple electoral politics. Even Kushner’s allies in the United Arab Emirates and Saudi Arabia have issued condemnations. Moreover, Netanyahu’s justification of Israel’s possession of the land — that annexations in defensive wars were okay — goes against international norms and theoretically could be a justification for Israeli control of much of the West Bank."

The protests Hamas don’t want you to see

"Gazans have spent 12 years under a tyrannical regime that spends its vast sums on arms rather than food for its people"

trump-military-base-rtr-img-1President Trump meets military leaders during an unannounced visit to Al Asad Air Base in Iraq on December 26, 2018..jpg
Arthur James Balfour is pictured visiting Jewish colonies in Palestine in 1925.jpg
With his Golan Heights tweet, Trump emboldens the annexation agendas of the world’s strongmen.png
As Israel turns 70, many young American Jews turn away.html
Palestinians run through tear gas fumes during clashes following a demonstration along the border with Israel east of Gaza City on March 1, 2019..jpg
On Friday afternoon, for the second consecutive week, Hamas officials sought to restrain the protests along the Gaza border..jpg
Volunteer paramedic Razan Najjar, 21, center, is seen before being shot in her chest by Israeli troops while running with protesters to take cover from teargas fired by Israeli troop near the Gaza St.webp
Family members carry the body of Layla Ghandour, 10 months, to her burial site in Gaza City.jpg
The campaign to oust the Islamic State from Iraq and Syria has left cities like Raqqa in ruin with no clear path to rebuilding..jpg
A demonstrator rolls a tire to the front of the border protest in Bureij, near Deir al Balah in the Gaza Strip on Tuesday..jpg
Joy in Jerusalem overshadowed by death in Gaza.jpg
Israeli forces detain Fawzi al-Juniadi during a protest in the West Bank city of Hebron on December 7.jpg
west-bank-demolition.jpgA Palestinian woman looking at the remains of her home after it was demolished by Israeli bulldozers, near Hebron, the West Bank, March 6, 2017.jpg
A Palestinian protester sits in the middle of a road as Israeli troops fire tear gas in the West Bank in 2015.jpg
Pence you are not welcome, says graffiti in the West Bank city of Bethlehem.jpg
Israeli soldiers refusing Palestinians entry into Jerusalem from the West Bank in 2016.jpg
The West Bank Israeli settlement of Maale Adumim, near Jerusalem.jpg
President Trump spoke to troops Wednesday at Al Asad Air Base in Iraq..jpg
babylon-ruinsThe ruins of the ancient city of Babylon, 59 miles southwest of Baghdad, Iraq..jpg
MEK leader Maryam Rajavi presiding over a rally in memory of the group’s members killed in Iraq in 2013, Tirana, Albania, September 1, 2017.jpg
greed_as_a_weapon Iraq war.pdf
Members of Iran's Revolutionary Guards march in a military parade.jpg
Biggest task force since Iraq on course for Syria.png
Ted Rall Is A Little Less American Evil Really Too Much To Ask For.jpg
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