Six on South Africa: Xenophobia and party politics in South Africa; Belonging—why South Africans refuse to let Africa in; Xenophobia:Young people of South Africa do not know their history; Protesters outside Parliament demand action on femicide, not

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Sep 13, 2019, 9:18:48 PM9/13/19
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Six on South Africa: Xenophobia and party politics in South Africa; Belonging—why South Africans refuse to let Africa in; Xenophobia:Young people of South Africa do not know their history; Protesters outside Parliament demand action on femicide, not just words; Legacies of Marikana; THE GOD OF CORRUPT THINGS


Xenophobia and party politics in South Africa

"With the campaigning for the 2019 national elections gripping South African politics, all kinds of xenophobic statements are uttered by most political parties who see anti-immigrant, xenophobic and Afrophobic rhetoric as a way to attract votes. Through blatant lies, othering and scaremongering, foreigners are blamed for many of South Africa’s woes and social ills. All political parties are guilty.

In a society where violence against foreign nationals is pervasive and xenophobic sentiments are common, irresponsible leaders continue to manufacture an atmosphere of crisis. Politicians claim that foreigners are flooding South Africa and undermining country’s security, stability and prosperity. Yet, according to the 2011 census, South Africa isn’t overwhelmed with immigrants, with some 2.2 million international migrants (about 4% of the population) in the country in 2011. Stats SA Community Survey 2016 puts the number of foreign born people at 1.6 million, out of the population of 55 million at the time. While there are a number of methodological issues with the Stats SA Community Survey, it would not be surprising if this figure is correct, especially as the Department of Home Affairs has deported close to 400,000 foreign nationals since 2012."

Belonging—why South Africans refuse to let Africa in

Xenophobia:Young people of South Africa do not know their history- Ghana President, Mahama

Protesters outside Parliament demand action on femicide, not just words

Legacies of Marikana

THE GOD OF CORRUPT THINGS | Vanity Fair | March 2019

"It started with black-market rations, and ended with "the wedding of the century." Novelist KARAN MAHAJAN travels to India and South Africa to understand how three small-time investors hijacked an entire country—aided by some of the world's most respected consultants"

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