Six on 2020 Election(s): Until We Meet Again; Bloomberg's education record; Nervous Democrats rally behind Biden to stop Sanders on Super Tuesday; “The Billionaire Election”: Anand Giridharadas on How 2020 Is a Referendum on Wealth Inequality; Bernie

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Mar 3, 2020, 7:16:39 PM3/3/20
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Six on 2020 Election(s): Until We Meet Again; Bloomberg's education record; Nervous Democrats rally behind Biden to stop Sanders on Super Tuesday; “The Billionaire Election”: Anand Giridharadas on How 2020 Is a Referendum on Wealth Inequality; Bernie Sanders’s travelling volunteer army faces its greatest test on Super Tuesday; Matt Taibbi: A last-ditch effort to derail the Sanders campaign fails as voters finally reject the Russia con

Until We Meet Again… 2020

Until We Meet Again… | The Nib

Leonie Haimson: Bloomberg's education record; important for voters to know!
Wednesday, February 26, 2020

"The Indypendent just published a piece I wrote, called Michael Bloomberg's Disastrous Public Education Legacy. For those of you who live outside NYC or don't send your kids to public schools, you may be unaware of how destructive and arrogant his policies really were.

If you are interested in learning more, you can check out this article on Bloomberg that Diane Ravitch and I co-authored in The Nation in 2013 when left office.  In 2010,  I  helped edit a whole book about the Bloomberg/Klein regime which you can find on Amazon or Lulu Press here.
Meanwhile, please watch this short video below by Darren Marelli, most of it shot at a press conference where community leaders and elected officials denounced Bloomberg's school closings in 2012.

“The Billionaire Election”: Anand Giridharadas on How 2020 Is a Referendum on Wealth Inequality

"The 10th Democratic presidential debate took place Tuesday in Charleston, South Carolina, and two billionaires were at either end of the stage: Michael Bloomberg and Tom Steyer. Front-runner Bernie Sanders, who has made attacking the power of the “billionaire class” a central theme of his campaign, stood in the middle. It was a visual representation of the split within the Democratic Party, in which a growing number of people are “rising up against plutocracy,” says Anand Giridharadas, editor-at-large at Time magazine and author of “Winners Take All: The Elite Charade of Changing the World.” His recent piece for The New York Times is titled “The Billionaire Election: Does the world belong to them or to us?"

“The Billionaire Election”: Anand Giridharadas on How 2020 Is a Referendum on Wealth Inequality

Bernie Sanders’s travelling volunteer army faces its greatest test on Super Tuesday 2020

“Have you heard about Bernie’s Medicare-for-all plan?” he asked.

Mr. Calvert was impressed by the outreach.

“I’ve lived in this neighbourhood for 22 years and you’re the first person I’ve seen here with a political campaign,” he said.

People such as Mr. Masson are a ubiquitous presence on the campaign trail during the Democratic presidential primaries: enthusiastic volunteers for Mr. Sanders willing to journey across the country and, in some cases, over international borders to flood into key states. Unpaid and travelling on their own dime, they sometimes spend weeks away from home rallying support for the man promising revolutionary change in America.

These foot soldiers have helped vault the Vermont Senator into front-runner status. While Mr. Sanders came up short in South Carolina, finishing second to Joe Biden, he has won the most votes in all three of the other early-voting states. On Tuesday, his volunteer army will face its greatest test so far. Fourteen states will vote simultaneously, including delegate-rich California where Mr. Sanders currently leads the polls."

Matt Taibbi: A last-ditch effort to derail the Sanders campaign fails as voters finally reject the Russia con 2020

"The latest act in the comedy began Friday, just before voting opened in the Nevada Democratic caucus. The Washington Post ran a story — sourced, I’m not joking, to “people familiar with the matter” — explaining that Bernie Sanders had been briefed that “Russia is attempting to help his presidential campaign as part of an effort to interfere with the Democratic contest.”

Sanders was quick to see through the gambit. “I’ll let you guess about one day before the Nevada caucus,” he said. “Why do you think it came out?” He pointed to a Post reporter: “It was The Washington Post? Good friends.” The Post, after all, has spent years dumping on Sanders, a fervent critic of the paper’s billionaire creep of an owner, Jeff Bezos.

Intelligence officials and pundits have been screeching for years that patriotism demands voters reject the foreign agent Donald Trump and the Russian asset Bernie Sanders, and support a conventional establishment politician. Voters responded by moving toward Trump in national approval surveys and speeding Sanders to the top of the Democratic Party ticket. A more thorough disavowal of official propaganda would be difficult to imagine.

The latter theme at times garnered literal around-the-clock coverage. CNN and MSNBC especially (but also the The New York Timesthe The Washington Post, the Daily Beast, and other major outlets) preached to audiences that the fall of the Trump administration was imminent. Special counsel Robert Mueller, news audiences were told, would reveal the Trump-Russia conspiracy and save the world.

After this story died a violent death when Mueller’s probe ended with no new charges, conventional wisdom shifted to a new gospel: Russiagate was about foreign interference.

Russiagate from the start smelled funny, like bad food. Multiple developments worsened the odor. Stories kept coming up wrong. There were too many unnamed sources, too frequently contradicting one another and/or overstating facts. Every hoof print was a zebra’s. Outlets stopped worrying about relaying unconfirmed rumors, which is how terms like “blackmail,” “Trump,” “Russia” and even “Golden Showers” kept appearing in headlines, without proof there ever had been blackmail."

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Trump campaign caps for sale at a rally in Manchester, N.H. The strong economy may be helping his re-election bid. 2020.jpg
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Bernie Sanders at an election night rally in Manchester, N.H. 2020.jpg
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