Six on Impeachment: No escape: Senators to be quiet, unplugged for Trump trial; Bloomberg Seizes on Impeachment;The Impossibility of Impeachment; There Will Be No Impartial Justice for Donald Trump; Alan Dershowitz, Devil’s Advocate impeachment; Th

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Jan 21, 2020, 8:08:56 PM1/21/20
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 Six on Impeachment: No escape: Senators to be quiet, unplugged for Trump trial; Bloomberg Seizes on Impeachment; The Impossibility of Impeachment; There Will Be No Impartial Justice for Donald Trump; Alan Dershowitz, Devil’s Advocate impeachment; Three Videos Explaining What Might Happen In The Impeachment Trial

No escape: Senators to be quiet, unplugged for Trump trial

"The first time the proclamation was used, in the 1868 trial of President Andrew Johnson, lawmakers couldn’t have imagined life in the modern era. The pace of today’s politics would have been hard to foresee even in early 1999, at the start of the impeachment trial of President Bill Clinton, when smartphones didn’t exist.

And so the senators will have a throwback experience in 2020, disconnected from the outside world, asked only to listen. The normally chummy senators won’t even be allowed to talk at length to people nearby or walk on certain areas of the Senate floor. Mostly they will sit, trapped in the chamber, focused on the issue at hand.

While senators might privately grumble about the restrictions — and will likely violate them at times — they agree that the rules are justified as they execute their most solemn duty: considering whether to remove the president of the United States from office."

Bloomberg Seizes on Impeachment

"The campaign of Michael R. Bloomberg has spent $247 million on television, digital and radio advertising in less than two months, a record-breaking messaging operation that has been mostly focused on elevating the candidate and introducing him to a national audience.

Now, the Bloomberg campaign is turning its advertising cannon toward impeachment.

In a new ad running nationally in 27 states and on MSNBC, CNN and ESPN, Mr. Bloomberg is shown addressing a room, boasting of his spending that helped elect Democrats in 2018, and saying “it’s time for the Senate to act and remove Trump from office.”

Though the ad only features Mr. Bloomberg speaking, it ends with him seemingly making a threat to the Republican senators: “If they won’t do their jobs, then this November, you and I will.”

Among the states the ad is running are potentially competitive re-election battlegrounds for Republican senators, including Alabama, Arizona, Colorado, Florida, Maine, Michigan, North Carolina and Texas."

Impeachment | Mike Bloomberg 2020

The Impossibility of Impeachment

Andrew Johnson’s opponents discovered the difficulties of removing a president.

"No occupant of the White House made terrible choices more consistently than Andrew Johnson. A century and a half later, his performance in the White House should appall anyone but a hardened racist. Weeks after Lincoln’s murder in April 1865, the newly inaugurated President Johnson began to treat former leaders of the South as if they were men of honor and standing, rather than traitors who had fought and lost a devastating war to preserve slavery. That spring and summer, Johnson pardoned thousands of former Confederate officers and politicians and appointed three of them to be governors of their states. He flatly refused to consider granting citizenship or the vote to any of the millions of people newly freed from bondage. Johnson’s policy arguably helped incite the white mobs who murdered scores of black men and women in Memphis and New Orleans in 1866. The president’s response to the massacres in Louisiana was to blame whites who supported black suffrage. “Every drop of blood that was shed is upon their skirts,” he snarled, “and they are responsible for it.”

Earlier that winter, a delegation of prominent African Americans, including Frederick Douglass, met with Johnson, whom they already had ample reasons to mistrust. They asked him to reconsider his opposition to giving their people the vote. But Johnson, who was born in a log cabin and learned to read only as an adult, could not tolerate even a politely stated protest from a group of black men better spoken and more erudite than himself. After they left, he reportedly snapped to an aide, “Those damned sons of bitches thought they had me in a trap.” He added that Douglass “would sooner cut a white man’s throat than not.”

Spoiler Alert: There Will Be No Impartial Justice for Donald Trump

“The Senate is on trial as well as the President,” Jerry Nadler, the chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, said at the press conference where Pelosi introduced him and six others as the impeachment managers. It was a seemingly self-evident observation that nonetheless bears much repeating. The Senate trial could take between three and six weeks, according to one estimate, though Trump’s advisers are pushing Republicans for a much more abbreviated proceeding. However long it lasts, the trial will essentially consist of a hundred senators sitting silently at their desks, stripped of their cell phones and laptops and all the other accoutrements of modern political life, listening to the presentation of evidence in a case about which they have presumably already made up their minds. We listeners will have plenty of time to contemplate the Senate itself and what it has become in the Trump era."

 Alan Dershowitz, Devil’s Advocate impeachment

The noted lawyer’s long, controversial career—and the accusations against him.

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