"What's more, it shows them moving at real-life speed. "Fox Movietone sound cameras made slow-motion captures of Babe Ruth and Lou Gehrig at batting practice during an exhibition practice in Brooklyn, New York," writes uploader Guy Jones (whose other baseball videos include Ruth hitting a home run on opening day the same year and Ruth's last appearance at bat a decade later). "With modern technology, we can witness this footage adjusted to a normal speed which results in a very high framerate."
|  | Apr. 14, 1931 - Babe Ruth's home run from the 7th inning (bad quality)Additional pieces from the opening day April 1931 game, I wasn't aware of this when I was making that video. Bab... |
|  | Aug 26, 1943 - Old timers game for war bonds, NYC (Babe Ruth's last appe...Old, mostly silent reel of an exhibition game for war bonds held at the now demolished "Polo Grounds" in New Yor... |
In other words, the film shows Ruth and Gehrig not just moving in the very same way they did in real life, but captured with a smoothness uncommon in newsreel footage from the 1930s. For comparison, Jones includes at the end of the video "more footage of the practice (shot at typical fps) and the original un-edited slow-mo captures."