Women's History is Every Month: The National Women’s History Museum Wants Your Coronavirus Stories; Centering Women in Occupied Territory; Astrophysicist Janna Levin Reads Adrienne Rich’s Tribute to Trailblazing Women in Science; the Week in Patriarc

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May 12, 2020, 7:36:08 PM5/12/20
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Thanks John and Gary

Women's History is Every Month: The National Women’s History Museum Wants Your Coronavirus Stories; Centering Women in Occupied Territory; Astrophysicist Janna Levin Reads Adrienne Rich’s Tribute to Trailblazing Women in Science; the Week in Patriarchy: Trump-supporting protesters are wearing handmaid's outfits – do they not see the irony?; Self-isolation directives increase risk for women facing domestic violence, experts warn, (disambiguation of miriam), by Carolina Ebeid

The National Women’s History Museum Wants Your Coronavirus Stories

The National Women’s History Museum Wants Your Coronavirus Stories

Centering Women in Occupied Territory

"Vice districts in Black neighborhoods uniquely raised the specter of interracial sex. As police practices recalibrated in the shifting urban landscape of race and sex during the Prohibition era, the sexual policing of women became the terrain on which law enforcement authorities made the boundaries of race in modern cities. The Chicago Defender followed these developments closely in the mid-1920s, drawing connections between discretionary police power, morals laws, and the enforcement of racial segregation. “[H]omes [are] invaded, young men insulted, young women made to suffer the lewd epithets of police hirelings instructed to weigh blood, mark color, to say who is who and what, by the gods, is what!”3 The following year, another editorial fumed that “Police are still raiding our homes … They are still stopping couples on the streets and questioning them because they are not certain of the woman’s race. If she is white, they are both arrested.”4 Through the sexual policing of Black neighborhoods — which typically meant racially distinct forms of surveillance and harassment of Black and white women — police officers became the on-the-ground arbiters of race and the frontline enforcers of racial segregation. In this way, police enforced not only the boundaries of race, but also of womanhood, as officers determined that white women were deserving of protection (even if that “protection” came in the form of policing) and Black women were not."

the Week in Patriarchy: Trump-supporting protesters are wearing handmaid's outfits – do they not see the irony?

We’ve reached a level of dystopia that I’m not sure even Margaret Atwood could have imagine

"Do these protesters not understand the irony here? Do they not understand how hypocritical it is to fight against a woman’s right to choose while simultaneously fighting for their own right to do whatever they like? Do they not understand how you can not possibly be “pro-life” if you’re flouting lockdown laws to participate in dense protests that could cause a surge in coronavirus cases?

It’s always been clear than anti-abortion extremists aren’t actually pro-life, they’re just pro-controlling women. They have always been shamelessly hypocritical. However, their hypocrisy has become particularly brazen during the coronavirus crisis. On Monday, for example, Dan Patrick, the virulently “pro-life” lieutenant governor of Texas, called for the reopening of the country, saying there are “more important things than living”.

‘PPE is made for a 6ft 3in rugby player’

Health professionals and trade unions in the UK are warning that female healthcare workers’ lives are being put at risk because of ill-fitting personal protective equipment. “PPE is designed for a 6ft 3in bloke built like a rugby player,” one NHS worker said. While PPE may be designed with men in mind, 75% of workers in the NHS are female.

Tara Reade deserves to be heard

Joe Biden still hasn’t directly addressed the allegations that he sexually assaulted Tara Reade in the 1990s. “Whether you believe Reade or not, it’s hard to justify the media’s refusal to give her a hearing,” Katie Halper, who published the former aide’s accusations when other outlets ignored them, writes in the Guardian.

Google Translate addresses gender bias

Google has introduced a new artificial intelligence model that tries to weed out bias in its translation tool. Previously Google Translate would reinforce sexist assumptions. For example, when translating phrases from English from Turkish (which has gender-neutral pronouns) o bir muhendis would become “he is an engineer”Meanwhile o bir hemsire would become “she is a nurse.”

(disambiguation of miriam)

Carolina Ebeid
In 2017 activists strung up wedding dresses between the palm trees along Beirut’s seafront protesting a law allowing a rapist to escape punishment if he married his victim.

unlike eyes, the ears don’t shut when sleep treads in

unlike eye the ear dont sh when sleep tread sin

unlike eyes, the ears hunt din


ik eyes, the ears do read

au ai / inept / little pain

u lied / yes,

keyed shut / yes,

keyed shut we slept red


lithe earth whelp

u lied

ears shut in

years n’t

years n’t

Copyright © 2020 by Carolina Ebeid. Originally published in Poem-a-Day on April 27, 2020 by the Academy of American Poets.

“My poem belongs to a longer sequence titled ‘Drapery Studies,’ each poem a sketch of a wedding veil turned funeral shroud. It was startling to see the picture on my twitter feed of the wedding dresses in Lebanon, which at first looked like an art installation, then like executions. The act of protest using the principles of art. ‘A White Dress Won’t Cover Rape’ was the official name of the campaign started by the group Abaad MENA against this horrendous rape-marriage law, which was abolished in late 2017.”
Carolina Ebeid

Afghan women recive food rations from islamic charity.jpg
SEPARATION IS EVERYWHERE, EVEN IN LINE Food outlets, like this café in Riyadh, must follow unique Saudi laws All lines, counters, and eating areas are divided to keep unrelated men and women apart,.jpg
dresden-women_3197503k Women helping to clear the ruins at Theaterplatz square in 1946.jpg
Sharda, another of the village women who were ostracized for continuing to work..jpg
Tribal women dance before the start of a community fishing event as part of Bhogali Bihu celebrations at Goroimari Lake in Panbari village, India, Thursday. Bhogali Bihu marks the end of the harvesting season in Assam.jpg
Japanese women wearing kimonos walk as they attend a Coming of Age Day celebration ceremony at an amusement park in Tokyo on Monday.jpg
According to tradition men from Lord Krishna's village of Nandgaon are beaten by the women of Barsana, home of Lord Krishna's lover Radha..jpg
Walker Evans, photographer (American, 1903 - 1975), Bridgeport Parade Bridgeport's Italian Women Insist Upon Their Patriotism, American, 1941..jpg
Muslim women perform Eid al-Adha prayers in Srinagar, Kashmir on November 7, 2011..jpg
The_Intervention_of_the_Sabine_Women, Jacques Louis David, 1799.jpg
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan's wife was wrong when she claimed that the Ottoman-era harems provided women with an education..........jpg
in a Holi tradition unique to Nandgaon and Barsana villages, men sing provocative songs to gain the attention of women, who then beat them with bamboo sticks called lathis..jpg
According to tradition men from Lord Krishna's village of Nandgaon are beaten by the women of Barsana, home of Lord Krishna's lover Radha.jpg
Hindu women take part in a traditional dance at Pashupati Nath Temple during celebrations of the Teej festival in Kathmandu.jpg
Hariyali Teej is a fasting festival for Hindu women, celebrated for marital bliss and the wellbeing of their husbands.jpg
Muslim women perform Eid al-Adha prayers in Srinagar, Kashmir on November 7, 2011.jpg
Muslim women attend prayer on the slopes of Mount Merapi (in the background) to celebrate the festival of Eid al-Adha in the village of Kalitengah Lor outside city of Yogyakarta, Central Java.jpg
Group of workers harvesting tea. Greek women. [Chakva]. circa 1905-1915. rare-color-photos-of-the-russian-empire-1900s-by-sergey-prokudin-gorsky-25.jpg
Women and children who have been displaced by the fighting ... from the continued bombing, stand outside of a cave where they live in Central Darfur, Sudan, March 2, 2015..jpg
Armenian woman kneeling beside dead child in field within sight of help and safety at Aleppo. Jackson reported that thousands of men, women, and children were being scattered over the desert to starve or die of disease i.jpg
Women and children crouch in a muddy canal as they take cover from intense Viet Cong fire at Bao Trai, about 20 miles west of Saigon, on January 1, 1966.jpg
Aymara indigenous women Bertha Vedia, 48, Domitila Alana, 42, and Dora Magueno, 50, pose for photographs on the Huayna Potosi mountain.jpg
Ethiopian women chat after receiving aid distributed under a (EU) funded project, in the Shinile Zone of Ethiopia on Friday near the border with Somalia.jpg
Men dressed as women take part in a parade during the Popo (Mask) Carnival of Bonoua, in the east of Abidjan, Côte d'Ivoire,.jpg
Members of the Irish Women Workers’ Union on the steps of Liberty Hall ca. 1914.jpg
vintage-women-beauty-1900-1910-61__605.jpgYoung Algerian Girls.jpg
964889_1_0216-water-scarcity_standardIndian women collect water from a broken pipe in a slum on the outskirts of Mumbai, India, March 22, 2012..jpg
Tzotzil indigenous women wait to enter the site where Pope Francis will celebrate Mass during his one-day visit to San Cristobal de las Casas, Mexico, Monday.jpg
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