Six on "our" Economy: House GOP plan would cut Medicare, Medicaid to balance budget; Ralph Nadar: An Open Letter to Jeff Bezo

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philip panaritis

Jun 27, 2018, 2:09:52 AM6/27/18
to Six on History
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Six on "our" Economy: House GOP plan would cut Medicare, Medicaid to balance budget; Ralph Nadar: An Open Letter to Jeff Bezos; Ghosts in the Land of Plenty; Prison operator shares rise on Trump immigration executive order; 15 Organizations Doing Business With ICE — and How Much They’re Making And they're household names.

House GOP plan would cut Medicare, Medicaid to balance budget - “A Brighter American Future,”

"The House Republican budget, titled “A Brighter American Future,” would remake Medicare by giving seniors the option of enrolling in private plans that compete with traditional Medicare, a system of competition designed to keep costs down but dismissed by critics as an effort to privatize the program. Along with other changes, the budget proposes to squeeze $537 billion out of Medicare over the next decade.

The budget would transform Medicaid, the federal-state health-care program for the poor, by limiting per capita payments or allowing states to turn it into a block-grant program — the same approach House Republicans took in their legislation that passed last year to repeal the Affordable Care Act (the repeal effort died in the Senate, but the GOP budget assumes that the repeal takes place).  It also proposes adding work requirements for certain adults enrolled in Medicaid. Changes to Medicaid and other health programs would account for $1.5 trillion in savings.

Social Security comes in for more modest cuts of $4 billion over the decade, which the budget projects could be reached by eliminating concurrent receipt of unemployment benefits and Social Security disability insurance.

The budget also proposes a number of other cost-saving measures, some of which could prove unpopular if implemented, such as adding more work requirements for food-stamp and welfare recipients and requiring federal employees — including members of Congress — to contribute more to their retirement plans. It assumes repeal of the Dodd-Frank Act that regulated banks after the financial crisis 10 years ago, something Congress recently rejected in passing a banking bill into law that softened some of the key provisions of Dodd-Frank but left its overall structures intact. And the budget proposes $230 billion in cuts from education and training programs, including consolidating student loan programs and reducing Pell Grant awards."

Ghosts in the Land of Plenty

"Why don’t we stop lying? Why don’t we deal with reality? Race is easy—class is hard. That politically incorrect, Mexican-excoriating bastard Edward Abbey told the truth: “The conservatives love their cheap labor; the liberals love their cheap cause. (Neither group, you will notice, ever invites the immigrants to move into their homes. Not into their homes!)” Immigration is so last century. But “illegal” immigration is still paranoiacally embraced in this country as a race issue. The “browning” of pristine white America. (Sorry, Crazy Horse.) Among my sisters and brothers bussing your lunch table, however, you will never see an Octavio Paz or the Mexican consul general of Dallas. You will see people of the lower class, running for their lives. Immigration was and is a class issue. Invisible people escape doom to serve us as extra-invisible people, made more invisible by language, skin color, and class. You can’t multiply a zero, but somehow they manage to become doubly nothing in the Land of Plenty."

Ralph Nadar: The Unsurpassed Power Trip by an Insuperable Control Freak: An Open Letter to Jeff Bezos

"Your expansion into retail stores and warehouses will further highlight the low wages and sometimes hazardous working conditions and assembly line pressures of your corporate model.  Other companies are exploiting their workers—as in Walmart (which by the way pays far more income taxes than you do on a percentage basis even under its tax avoidance schemes)— but few companies are as blatant in their planning to replace with robotics the warehouse workers and truck drivers delivering goods.

Your small Board of Directors is clueless about both their responsibility for Amazon shareholders and their overall social responsibility.  Your board will rubberstamp all of your proposals as they tally how rich you’ve made them with stock options, at the expense of your workers. I wrote you (see enclosed letter) as a shareholder to start paying a dividend—your horde of cash belongs to the shareholders, doesn’t it? You have not had the courtesy to reply to this letter.

An Open Letter to Tim Cook, CEO of Apple Inc. | Ralph Nader

May 9, 2018 Tim Cook, CEO Apple, Inc. One Apple Park Way Cupertino, CA 95014 Dear Mr. Cook: Last week, you annou...

Amazon and Starbucks have just succeeded in a grotesque power play reversing the Seattle City Council’s vote to impose a mere $48 million a year tax on large, local corporations to combat the crisis of homelessness and unaffordable housing in your hometown. Given your successful tax avoidance mania, you should be ashamed of yourself. Because of your company’s insatiable greed, you have decided to ignore the plight of the homeless.

You should spend some personal time with Seattle’s homeless. Then you can announce what you have seen is inconsistent with our society‘s values and capabilities. You should then announce that you will personally pay that annual $48 million to the city. This charitable gesture will ground, ever so slightly, your cash investments in extraterrestrial space travel. Jeff, reduce your focus on the future, installing all robotic plants and your outer space ventures. You would do well to increase your focus on what is happening presently on Earth.  Here, hard-pressed people have to live and raise their children with increasingly bleak prospects.

So you are on top of the world, hyper-rich, arrogant, with your raucous laugh and your sudden temper, believing that neither antitrust laws, nor labor laws, nor tax laws, nor consumer, nor environmental, nor securities laws will ever catch up with the excesses of your business model.

Don’t bet on it. Relentless greed with overly concentrated power (about the only thing you seem not to be willing or able to control is Alexa whose ambitions may come back to haunt you) sooner or later, faces a statute of limitations.

Ralph Nader"

15 Organizations Doing Business With ICE — and How Much They’re Making And they're household names.

"But ICE is far from just a government organization. Private companies and educational institutions are in business with the agency — and starting to take heat for it.

A prime example is Microsoft, where more than 300 employees penned an angry open letter after discovering the company has a $19.4 million contract with ICE. They asked CEO Satya Nadella to cut those ties immediately."

“We are providing the technical undergirding in support of an agency that is actively enforcing this inhumane policy,” the letter read. “We request that Microsoft cancel its contracts with ICE, and with other clients who directly enable ICE. As the people who build the technologies that Microsoft profits from, we refuse to be complicit.”

(In a blog post, Nadella said he was “appalled at the abhorrent policy” and that “as both a parent and an immigrant, this issue touches me personally.” He then explained that Microsoft was only giving ICE email, calendar, messaging and document management services, not helping with any projects related to family separation.)

ICE declined to comment on whether the buzz around immigrant family separations has caused any companies to cut their contracts short. But Microsoft isn’t the only high-profile business doing business with ICE. Records show that several companies and universities that are household names have contracts with the agency to provide everything from copy machines to training sessions — despite the fact that, in some cases, their executives have publicly criticized the family separations.

MONEY combed through, a database operated by the Treasury Department, to identify 15 organizations with recent ICE contracts. Although many of the deals don’t appear to involve border policies, the breadth of the $6 billion agency’s business ties helps to illustrate ICE’s large and growing influence."

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