Six on Geography and Science: The Role of Luck in Life Success Is Far Greater Than We Realized; Black Mushrooms; The Simple A

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philip panaritis

Mar 10, 2018, 2:30:56 AM3/10/18
to Six on History

Six on Geography and Science: The Role of Luck in Life Success Is Far Greater Than We Realized; Black Mushrooms; The Simple Algorithm That Ants Use to Build Bridges; Japan still prefers triangles even though the world uses octagons; Elon Musk is Not the Future; We X-Rayed Some MLB Baseballs. Here’s What We Found

"We tend to give out resources to those who have a past history of success, and tend to ignore those who have been unsuccessful, assuming that the most successful are also the most competent.

But is this assumption correct? I have spent my entire career studying the psychological characteristics that predict achievement and creativity. While I have found that a certain number of traits-- including passion, perseverance, imagination, intellectual curiosity, and openness to experience-- do significantly explain differences in success, I am often intrigued by just how much of the variance is often left unexplained.

In recent years, a number of studies and books--including those by risk analyst Nassim Taleb, investment strategist Michael Mauboussin, and economist Robert Frank-- have suggested that luck and opportunity may play a far greater role than we ever realized, across a number of fields, including financial trading, business, sports, art, music, literature, and science. Their argument is not that luck is everything; of course talent matters. Instead, the data suggests that we miss out on a really importance piece of the success picture if we only focus on personal characteristics in attempting to understand the determinants of success.

Consider some recent findings: ..."

It still prefers triangles even though the world uses octagons.

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