Six on Jerusalem: Two capitals for two peoples; Cynical Pointlessness of Trump’s Jerusalem Announcement; Netanyahu

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philip panaritis

Dec 7, 2017, 12:57:42 AM12/7/17
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Two capitals for two peoples

Netanyahu: There is no peace that doesn’t include J'lem as Israel’s capital

Gilad Atzmon: War is Peace

"War in Palestine is peace of mind in Washington. This seems to fit the Trump doctrine. But are the Palestinians really ideal for the role? Israeli commentators believe that Arab and Muslim leaders won’t side with Palestine. The risk is that the Arab and Muslim masses react very differently. The situation could quickly become volatile. And the crucial question that Americans must ask themselves tomorrow morning is how Trump’s ‘War is Peace‘ makes ‘America Great again?’ It doesn’t. This is simply a survival tactic on Trump’s part. It benefits Trump and Trump alone.

As far as I can tell, Trump is doing a great job obliterating what is left of America’s world hegemony.  Give Trump another year in office, assuming that the planet can take it,  American prestige and influence will shrink to none. Some may well argue that this alone makes Trump a positive force in contemporary world politics."  

 If Trump declares Jerusalem the capital of Israel, chaos will reign

"Amid three catastrophic Middle East wars, it would be difficult to imagine anything more provocative, dangerous – or just plain insane – than for the Americans to move their embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem. Yet that is just what Donald Trump is this week thinking of doing. In a way, we should have expected this: mad presidents do mad things.

But is there no one in the White House able to restrain him? Not even Jared Kushner, who is supposed to be Trump’s Middle East hand? Or is Kushner too bound up in his latest scandal – just revealed by Newsweek, that he failed to disclose his co-directorship of a foundation funding illegal Jewish colonies in the West Bank when he filed financial records with the Office of Government Ethics this year – to speak out?"

An Israeli flag flutters on the roof of a buiding of the Jewish Quarter in the Old City of Jerusalem opposite the Dome of the Rock in the Al-Aqsa mosque compound.jpg
A barrier wall separates a Palestinian refu­gee camp, left, from an Israeli settlement, right. Both are located in East Jerusalem.....jpg
An Israeli soldier praying at the Western Wall during the Six-Day War, in June 1967.....jpg
An Israeli man holds a sign reading in Hebrew “50 years is enough” during a demonstration against occupation titled “Two States-One Hope,” on May 27 in Tel Aviv.jpg
Israeli soldiers, who recaptured the Old City from the Jordanians during the Six-Day War, carry a confiscated portrait of Jordan’s King Hussein through East Jerusalem, June, 1967.jpg
An estimated 620,000 Israelis live beyond the Green Line (including in East Jerusalem), the colloquial term for the pre-1967 border..jpg
According to school officials, the Israeli army informed them that the containers were removed because they did not have an Israeli-issued construction permit to stay in the area.jpg
banksy-israels-wall 2008.jpg
An Arab Israeli woman sits next to the ruins of her dwellings, which were demolished by Israeli bulldozers, in Umm Al-Hiran, a Bedouin village in Israel's southern Negev Desert,.jpg
Palestinians in 1948, five months after the creation of Israel, leaving a village in the Galilee [Reuters].jpg
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu speaks before a joint meeting of Congress on Capitol Hill in Washington, Tuesday, March 3, 2015. In a speech that stirred political intrigue in two countries.jpg
The Israeli settlement of Abraham Avino surrounded by Palestinian houses (top) and a cemetery (bottom), Hebron, West Bank,.jpg
After the 1967 war, one of Israel's first acts was to declare all water resources to be under its control.jpg
HEZBOLLAH-ISRAEL.jpgSupporters of Lebanon's Hezbollah party parade to mark the last day of Ashura in Beirut, Lebanon, Oct. 1..jpg
A man takes pictures of a mural on the Israeli wall depicting actor Morgan Freeman accompanied by a quote by Nelson Mandela in the West Bank city of Bethlehem.jpg
The mufti of Jerusalem, Muhammad Ahmad Hussein, near the scene of a shooting near the Temple Mount complex in Jerusalem’s Old City on July 14..jpg
Israeli supplies are air dropped to troops in the Sinai, June 1967, during the Six-Day War.jpg
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