Six on Senator McCain: John McCain's Legacy Was Built on A Myth; From Venezuela to McCain, Media and Human Rights Industry on

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philip panaritis

Sep 6, 2018, 2:15:49 PM9/6/18
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Six on Senator McCain: John McCain's Legacy Was Built on A Myth; From Venezuela to McCain, Media and Human Rights Industry on Same Page; STATEMENT BY SASC CHAIRMAN JOHN McCAIN ON PRESIDENT TRUMP’S IRAN STRATEGY; A funeral for a world that never was; Misperceptions About McCain's Abortion Stance; McCain Won't Apologize For Vote Against Civil Rights Act; The Other Side of John McCain;

John McCain's Legacy Was Built on A Myth

McCain Won't Apologize For Vote Against Civil Rights Act | HuffPost

A funeral for a world that never was

Senator McCain served his country and suffered on its behalf as a prisoner of war, and deserves respect on the occasion of his passing. But the unctuous sea of self-congratulatory declarations of virtue embedded in his obsequies were enough to make the portraits in the Capitol rotunda puke.

Here, for example, is the Chicago Tribune: “Ringing through Washington National Cathedral on a dreary morning were paeans to bipartisanship, compromise and civility of the sort that seem to be under daily assault from all corners of the country, especially from the White House … A common decency. A shared identity and values that transcend ideology, class or race. A toughness that shows itself in battle and service to nation rather than on Twitter. Each of these was touted as a key element of McCain’s epic life.”

Misperceptions About McCain's Abortion Stance : NPR

 The Other Side of John McCain

McCain’s visceral resentment informed his vocal support for the mujahedin as well as the right-wing contra death squads in Central America — any proxy group sworn to the destruction of communist governments.

So committed was McCain to the anti-communist cause that in the mid-1980s he had joinedthe advisory board of the United States Council for World Freedom, the American affiliate of the World Anti-Communist League (WACL). Geoffrey Stewart-Smith, a former leader of WACL’s British chapter who had turned against the group in 1974, described the organization as “a collection of Nazis, fascists, anti-Semites, sellers of forgeries, vicious racialists, and corrupt self-seekers. It has evolved into an anti-Semitic international.

Joining McCain in the organization were notables such as Jaroslav Stetsko, the Ukrainian Nazi collaborator who helped oversee the extermination of 7,000 Jews in 1941; the brutal Argentinian former dictator Jorge Rafael Videla; and Guatemalan death squad leader Mario Sandoval Alarcon. Then-President Ronald Reagan honored the group for playinga leadership role in drawing attention to the gallant struggle now being waged by the true freedom fighters of our day.

The Other Side of John McCain


From Venezuela to McCain, Media and Human Rights Industry on Same Page

"Guevara-Rosas also tweeted out an article praising John McCain. McCain’s death has been a real “teachable moment,” showing how tiny the ideological differences are between corporate media and the human rights industry. Four different Human Rights Watch (HRW) officials used their Twitter accounts to spread praise for McCain. In 2011, McCain tried to have Venezuela placed on the US “sponsors of terrorism” list—not scary at all, coming from a man who joked about bombing Iran. McCain dutifully echoed theVenezuelan opposition’s line (also the Western media line, andHRW’s line) that the country is a “dictatorship.”

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