Six on Politics: GOP/Dem Midterm elections; ANN COULTER: Wake Up, Dreamers – You’re In The News!; Bannon pitches White House

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Apr 12, 2018, 11:56:33 PM4/12/18
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Six on Politics: GOP/Dem Midterm elections; ANN COULTER: Wake Up, Dreamers – You’re In The News!; Bannon pitches White House on plan to cripple Mueller probe and protect Trump; Trump chooses impulse over strategy as crises mount; What If We Didn’t... have endless political campaigns?; Comey: Trump asked me to investigate ‘pee tape’ to reassure Melania;

"US midterm elections come up more and more frequently in my client conversations, and the latest data shows that a record number of Republicans and an elevated number of Democrats are not seeking re-election in November."

Bannon pitches White House on plan to cripple Mueller probe and protect Trump

"Trump remains furious with the Mueller probe, which on Wednesday he blasted on Twitter as “never ending and corrupt.” He has also considered firing Rosenstein, whom he has criticized for approving surveillance applications of former Trump campaign adviser Carter Page, which extended a warrant that partly relied on information that was funded in a roundabout way by Hillary Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign.

Bannon and his allies sense that Trump simply needs a nudge to fire Rosenstein, according to the people familiar with Bannon’s discussions. They said Trump has recently told friends and aides that he is willing to engage in political warfare in the coming months to stop his presidency from being consumed by the investigation.

Bannon’s conversations, including a meeting Tuesday night between the former strategist and Trump confidants, have so far remained through back channels.

The 64-year-old strategist has huddled in recent days — at his Capitol Hill townhouse, a Washington hotel and over the phone — with a handful of White House aides, GOP lawmakers and conservative media figures who speak frequently with Trump, according to people involved, who spoke to The Post on the condition of anonymity to discuss private conversations."

Bannon pitches White House on plan to cripple Mueller probe and protect Trump

Trump chooses impulse over strategy as crises mount

What If We Didn’t... have endless political campaigns?

"Designated campaign periods

What’s now considered normal in U.S. elections isn’t really seen anywhere else in the world. In other countries, political campaigns are much shorter and campaigning is often restricted to specific, narrow time frames — some of them just a few weeks in length.

In 2007, Mexico shortened the presidential campaign season from 186 days to 90 days in an effort to “level the electoral playing field,” the Los Angeles Times reported at the time.

Israeli law specifies that the country’s “election period” doesn’t begin until 101 days before an election. Political candidates in the U.K. have 38 days to “appeal to voters” prior to a general election; campaigns in Australia are roughly six weeks in duration.

These campaign periods are far shorter than the years-long sagas American elections have become."

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