Six on Politics: The Fear That Comes Over Me; Could populism actually be good for democracy?; Mitch Made The Senate Confirm A

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philip panaritis

Oct 14, 2018, 7:05:34 PM10/14/18
to Six on History
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Six on Politics: The Fear That Comes Over Me; Could populism actually be good for democracy?; Mitch Made The Senate Confirm Another 15 Judges Before It Goes Home; Wall Street Loves Democrats Again, We're All Going To Die; Dems forced to choose between campaigning or judicial fights; Reporters Asked Kid Rock If Sessions Should Be Fired

The Fear That Comes Over Me

"In the nightmare, the colleges have shut down, or “refocused their programming on expanding sectors,” e.g., cutting history and pivoting to business and “e-sports.” As Michael Moore so plausibly shows in his new film, some kind of hideous terrorist incident, even if just a one-off, has allowed for de facto martial law, and a militarized police has become an outright military. Cultural institutions like museums, since they have a difficult time justifying themselves economically, are either shuttered or simply burn to the ground. Libraries, the most visionary of our public institutions, have their budgets ground down, because we “can’t afford” them. Perhaps they are replaced with Amazon stores. Everything gets privatized. The schools resemble armed compounds, and mostly operate as job training facilities (since, under free market logic, it makes far more sense to give children Skills than to teach them about useless rubbish like art history, which even liberals like Barack Obama make fun of). Some company like Amazon realizes that there’s a market in “full life packages,” offering to take care of people’s needs in company-created towns in exchange for indentured labor contracts. I have already spoken to friends who say they’d consider signing up for such a thing if it promised to erase their student debt. Oh yes, right, and debt: The divide grows between the tiny elite who control everything and the debtors who spend all their time working and worrying about their debt. The life expectancy gapcontinues to widen: The poor live shorter lives, the rich become immortal. We kill off most of the other animals on earth (they weren’t economically efficient), save a few kept in zoos to remind us what animals once were. As everything gets hotter, we become angrier, our minds more sluggish. We get used to emergencies: A megastorm destroys a city here, a flood wipes out a population there. Many of us barely even notice, because the endless scandals coming out of Washington are so impossible to turn our attention away from. And all of it just keeps compounding as time passes…"

Could populism actually be good for democracy?

"Current affairs may seem especially bleak, but fears about democracy are nothing new. At the zenith of direct democracy in ancient Athens, in the fifth century BC, one critic called it a “patent absurdity” – and so it seemed to most political experts from Aristotle to Edmund Burke, who considered democracy “the most shameless thing in the world”. As the American founding father John Adams warned, “there never was a democracy yet that did not commit suicide”.

For almost 2,000 years, most western political theorists agreed with Aristotle, Burke and Adams: nobody could imagine seriously advocating democracy as an ideal form of government. It was only at the end of the 18th century that democracy reappeared as a modern political ideal, during the French Revolution.

Ever since, popular insurrections and revolts in the name of democracy have become a recurrent feature of global politics. It needs to be stressed: these revolts are not an unfortunate blemish on the peaceful forward march toward a more just society; they form the heart and soul of modern democracy as a living reality."

Dems forced to choose between campaigning or judicial fights

Democrats up for reelection must choose between campaigning or fighting judicial nominees.

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