Six on 2020 Election(s): Gaffe-Prone President Attacks Gaffe-Prone Candidate; Pete Buttigieg Charms Crowd At Iowa Truck Stop By Sampling Local Meth; How Trump Is Outspending Every 2020 Democrat on Facebook; Watch Cardi B Interview Bernie Sanders; Eli

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Aug 17, 2019, 11:01:12 PM8/17/19
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Six on 2020 Election(s): Gaffe-Prone President Attacks Gaffe-Prone Candidate; Pete Buttigieg Charms Crowd At Iowa Truck Stop By Sampling Local Meth; How Trump Is Outspending Every 2020 Democrat on Facebook; Watch Cardi B Interview Bernie Sanders; Elizabeth Warren Took On Obama Over Student Debt Forgiveness; Evangelicals view Trump as their protector. Will they stand by him in 2020?

Pete Buttigieg Charms Crowd At Iowa Truck Stop By Sampling Local Meth 

"At press time, a panicked Buttigieg was stripping down to his underwear while promising that, if elected president, he would do everything in his power to end the scourge of centipedes crawling underneath the skin of everyday Americans."

Pete Buttigieg Charms Crowd At Iowa Truck Stop By Sampling Local Meth

Watch Cardi B Interview Bernie Sanders About Health Care, Minimum Wage and Immigration

Elizabeth Warren Took On Obama Over Student Debt Forgiveness. How She Won Is Central To Her 2020 Campaign

"In 2015, when she found herself on Air Force One with then-president Barack Obama, Sen. Elizabeth Warren seized the chance to pressure the most powerful man in the world about an obscure part of federal tax law.

Warren — along with activists, consumer lawyers, and a group of other Democratic senators — was in the midst of what would become a yearslong fight to get loan forgiveness for tens of thousands of students who had been defrauded by Corinthian Colleges, a collapsed for-profit college chain.

Earlier, Warren and others had helped convince the Education Department to agree to cancel the loans for some of those for-profit college students, opening the door to forgiveness for hundreds of thousands of people. Now, Warren was waging a new battle against Obama’s Treasury Department, which was planning to hit students with steep tax bills on their forgiven loans.

The Treasury was refusing to budge. The agency said it had no choice: The law was the law, and if Warren wanted to stop the students from having to pay taxes, she’d have to convince Congress. Warren had other ideas.

Warren’s policy team had come up with a detailed letter that explained why students should not have to pay taxes on their debts, and how, exactly, the Treasury Department could carry that out. On Air Force One, she went through those points with Obama.

Warren’s goal, according to people familiar with the conversation, was not just to convince Obama that it was possible to do something that his own administration was telling him was impossible. It was to persuade him to spend some of his political capital — which was in short supply as he battled against a Republican Congress — on a group of struggling low-income students who had been defrauded by a now-defunct for-profit college chain.

Implicit in that conversation was a threat: If he didn’t act, Obama could have a public image problem on his hands in the form of a loud, popular senator who had already been raising hell about his Education Department."

Evangelicals view Trump as their protector. Will they stand by him in 2020?

"Theories about Trump’s connection with evangelical voters have long been dubiously elegant. The simplest, and perhaps most comfortable for Trump’s bewildered and furious opposition, is that evangelicals are and always were hypocrites, demanding moral rectitude from their enemies that they don’t expect from their friends. Others held that evangelicals must simply be ignorant, taken in by a campaign narrative that attempted to depict Trump as privately devoted to Christ, despite all the evidence to the contrary. Some argued that evangelicals just wanted an invincible champion to fight the culture wars, even if he didn’t share their vision of the good life. And then there was the transactional theory: Their votes were just about the Supreme Court."

joe-biden Democratic presidential candidate and former Vice President Joe Biden takes the stage during a forum on gun safety at the Iowa Events Center on August 10, 2019 in Des Moines, Iowa 2020.jpg
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the president offered an incoherent rendition of the standard National Rifle Association pushback, saying, “Mental illness and hatred pull the trigger not the gun.” Trump.jpg
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Sanders in 1972, when he was running for Vermont governor on the Liberty Union ticket.jpg
Mayor Bernie Sanders, right, greets voters at a Burlington polling place with Alderman Terry Bouricius in 1983..jpg
Bernie Sanders shooting hoops in Burlington, Vt., in an undated photo.jpg
Bernie Sanders, left, in Burlington, Vt., in an undated photo.jpg
Bernie Sanders at a recent campaign event in Iowa..jpg
joe-biden Democratic presidential candidate and former Vice President Joe Biden takes the stage during a forum on gun safety at the Iowa Events Center on August 10, 2019 in Des Moines, Iowa 2020.jpg
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John S. Elfrank-Dana

Aug 18, 2019, 10:46:05 AM8/18/19
to Six on History,
Mayor Pete and meth!!!! Love it


“If you have come here to help me you are wasting your time, but if you have come because your liberation is bound up with mine, then let us work together.”
Lilla Watson
John Elfrank-Dana
Adjunct Lecturer/Field Supervisor
Department of Curriculum & Teaching
Hunter College of the City University of New York
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