Six on Operation Desert Storm: Iraq War: 15 Years. More Than 1 Million Dead. No One Held Responsible; How the Iraq War Destab

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Mar 22, 2018, 4:26:42 PM3/22/18
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Six on Operation Desert Storm: Iraq War: 15 Years. More Than 1 Million Dead. No One Held Responsible; How the Iraq War Destabilized the Entire Middle East; Iraq arrests 19,000 people accused of Isis links and condemns 3,000 to death; Survivors Need Shelter, But Shelters Need Legal Protection In Iraq; The Ancient Gate of Amadiya;

 15 Years. More Than 1 Million Dead. No One Held Responsible

How the Iraq War Destabilized the Entire Middle East

"As we approach the fifteenth anniversary of the unwarranted invasion of Iraq, which we are still paying for in so many ways, it is important to remember the misuse of intelligence that provided a false justification for war.  It is particularly important to do so at this time because President Donald Trump has talked about a military option against North Korea or Iran (or Venezuela for that matter).  Since there is no cause to justify such  wars, it is quite likely that politicized intelligence would once again be used to provide a justification for audiences at home and abroad.

In 2002 and 2003, the White House, the Department of Defense, and the Central Intelligence Agency collaborated in an effort to describe the false likelihood of a nuclear weapons program that had to be stopped.  In the words of Bush administration officials, the United States was not going to allow the “smoking gun to be a mushroom cloud.”  On September 8, 2002, Vice President Cheney and national security adviser Condi Rice used that phrase on CNN and NBC’s “Meet the Press,” respectively, to argue that Saddam Hussein was “using his procurement system to acquire the equipment he needs to enrich uranium to build a nuclear weapon.”

In October 2002, the CIA orchestrated a national intelligence estimate to argue falsely that Iraq was acquiring uranium from Niger for use in a nuclear weapon.  Senior officials throughout the intelligence community knew that the so-called Niger report was a fabrication produced by members of the Italian military intelligence service, and several intelligence officials informed Congressional and White House officials that they doubted the reports of Iraqi purchases of uranium from Niger.  Nevertheless, the national intelligence estimate spun a fictitious tale of a clear and present danger based on false reports of alleged stockpiles of chemical and biological weapons; nuclear weapons; unmanned aerial vehicles; and ties between Iraq and al Qaeda that were nonexistent."

Iraq arrests 19,000 people accused of Isis links and condemns 3,000 to death

"The New York-based news agency based its figures partially on analysis of a spreadsheet listing all 27,849 people imprisoned in Iraq in late January.

Thousands more are believed to be held by other bodies including the federal police, military intelligence and Kurdish forces.

The mass incarceration and speed of guilty verdicts raise concerns over potential miscarriages of justice and worries that jailed militants are recruiting within the general prison population to build new extremist networks, AP said.

According to its analysis, 8,861 of the prisoners listed were convicted of terrorism-related charges since the beginning of 2013 and were overwhelmingly linked to Isis.

Another 11,000 people are now detained by the Interior Ministry intelligence branch, undergoing interrogation or awaiting trial."

Survivors Need Shelter, But Shelters Need Legal Protection In Iraq

Despite the unprecedented security crisis, it remains against public policy for Iraqi NGOs to provide shelter for those escaping gender-based violence.

Survivors Need Shelter, But Shelters Need Legal Protection In Iraq

 US Empire: Global Imperialism and Internal Colonialism


US military and financial imperialism was a temporary and short lived success based on the demise of the USSR, and a mono-polar world, and the launch of the global war on terror . With the military rise of Russia, and China’s dynamic economic growth, these short term advantages disappeared and all the vulnerabilities resounded. Trillion-dollar bank bailouts and prolonged military losses undercut whatever temporary advantages existed. The pillage of the domestic economy deepened domestic discontent. Trump style “national” imperialism increased profits but lost trade wars.

A speculative economy, a plundered public treasury and a militarized empire cannot restructure the economy not even with trade war rhetoric and trillion dollar tax handouts. Time is running out President Trump; the economy is preparing to plunge and the voters are turning their backs."

James Petras is a Bartle Professor (Emeritus) of Sociology at Binghamton University, New York.

363 Iraq War.ppt
An elderly man sits speaking incoherently amid the rubble of a building in the Mosul al-Jadida neighborhood of Mosul, Iraq, on March 24.jpg
iraq-road1 American Marines loaded two blindfolded Iraqi men onto trucks after they were arrested on a stretch of Highway 1 between Falluja and Baghdad in 2004..jpg
displaced Iraqi woman, who fled from clashes, reacts as she is transferred to a safe area during a battle between Iraqi forces and Islamic State militants, in Mosul, Iraq.jpg
Displaced Iraqis flee their homes as Iraqi forces battle with so-called Islamic State militants in the village of Badush, northwest of Mosul, Iraq,.jpg
Displaced Iraqis, who just fled their homes, walk through the desert as Iraqi forces battle with Islamic State militants in western Mosul, Iraq.jpg
Moored boats and ferries line the Shatt al-Arab waterway near Basra, Iraq.jpg
Children stand behind the doors of their home in Rashidiya, Iraq, on Monday as a fight with Islamic State militants rages..jpg
An Iraqi girl carries belongings as she flees the Islamic State stronghold of Mosul, Iraq.jpg
Shiite pilgrims gather at the holy shrine of Imam Abbas for Arbaeen in Karbala, 50 miles south of Baghdad, Iraq.jpg
Arba’een festival, Iraq, 2014 (17 million) پیاده_روی_اربعین_حسینی .jpg
A ninth-century B.C. stela found in the temple of Nabu in Nimrud in what is now Iraq depicts King Shamshi-Adad V..jpg
An Iraqi soldier stands next to a detained man accused of being an Islamic State fighter at a check point in Qayyara, south of Mosul, Iraq,.jpg
Iraqi pro-government forces pause in Qayyara, Iraq,.jpg
Internally displaced children sit in a car near Hassan Sham, east of Mosul, Iraq.jpg
Iraq war map Who controls what.jpg
Shiite Muslims perform with fire during Ashura commemorations in Najaf, Iraq.jpg
Shi'ite Muslim worshippers pray during commemorations for Ashura in Kerbala, Iraq.jpg
kirkuk-iranian-militia.jpgShiite militiamen celebrating their advance into Kurdish-held Iraqi territory near Kirkuk, October 17, 2017.jpg
Iraqi boys swim with water buffaloes in the Euphrates River in Najaf, Iraq.jpg
raqi Kurdish men sit in a shop in Arbil, the capital of the autonomous Kurdish region of northern Iraq, on Sunday.jpg
Rescue workers searching through debris for bodies in Mosul, Iraq, in March.jpg
arabia-pilg-scroll.jpgDetails from a scroll showing a Shiite pilgrimage, purchased by cartographer Carsten Niebuhr in Karbala, Iraq, 1761-1767.jpg
The remains of seven men, bound, blindfolded and killed execution style, on the side of a road near Mosul, Iraq.jpg
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