Important: effort allocation in WP1

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Mahalal Ilan

Sep 28, 2011, 6:38:24 AM9/28/11

Dear all,


I believe that there are some misunderstanding about WP1 effort allocation. As said before, all WP leaders, task leaders and country coordinators must allocate effort in WP1 tasks because they are going to spend time on management tasks anyway…

With current situation SITAC will just flow alone on the river…  I need your updates rapidly by email with the short phrases for WP1 participation (you can inspire from the examples in WP1 content below).


WP leaders and task leaders must allocate effort for the TSC. Country coordinators should allocate effort for both.


Below is the project management structure in the FPP:



Below is the current version of WP1


1.1.1.   Work Package 1

Work Package 1: Project Management

WP1 start date: M1

WP1 end date:  M36


This work package is concerned with the overall management of the project. The project coordination will be divided in 2 different tasks.


Task 1.1 The overall Project Management  (Gemalto is task leader)


This tasks  includes steering group participation, managing the consortium on the double national and international dimensions, directing the work in the work packages (WP leaders), keeping the schedule of the project, initiating project meetings, keeping the ITEA office informed of the project progress and change request.

For efficient communication between partners and for ITEA office, a project web site will be set-up and maintained for that purpose, offering all interaction capabilities of modern web technologies.  The site will be a tool for public project disseminations. A private part will be available to partners for the project internal communication (reports, deliverables, etc…)

The project coordinator will:


·         Coordinate the project partners and manage the project

·         Coordinate financial, legal and contractual activities

·         Interface with the ITEA Office and provide them with project control reports and final reports

·         Coordinate preparation of project presentation

·         Organize mid-term and final reviews

·         Organization and lead regular face-to-face full consortium meetings


The project coordinator will lead the Project Coordination Committee.

The Project Coordination Committee (PCC)

The Project Co-ordination Committee is responsible for the overall management, planning and control of the project, especially for any program changes or any major re-allocation of resources. It is responsible for setting up the overall objectives, timescales and milestones for the project. It also reviews and authorizes the Technical Annexes. It must also monitor progress according to the project. Each PCC member shall appoint a permanent representative and a proxy to this committee.


Task 1.2 Technical Coordination  (Gemalto is task leader)


The Technical Coordination will be provided by a Technical Steering Committee. The TSC is responsible for the technical and scientific co-ordination for the day-to-day management of the work and for the closest collaboration at the tasks level. It is also responsible for collecting inputs from the partners and preparing the regular work package reports. To achieve maximum synergy, the co-operation between Work Packages will be monitored carefully through regular TSC meetings.

The TSC task is to:


·         Overall technical coordination of the project and its technical content

·         Ensure that the WP Leaders are managing their tasks appropriately, guarantying the punctual delivery of all reports and deliverables foreseen in project work plan.

·         Monitor scientific progress and quality of publications

·         Identify cross-issues and problems; assessing and directing effort to their solutions

·         Assist the Project Coordinator in managing the project from a scientific standpoint

·         Ensure that technical evolution is followed in a timely manner

·         Coordinate deliverable content for scientific value

·         Coordinate technical project presentations preparation

Prepare and participate in project technical verification sessions




Task 1.1

Gemalto will lead the overall project management and chair the PCC.


Task 1.2

Gemalto will chair the TSC and will contribute to the technical coordination of the project. Gemalto will also monitor TSC activities as linked to the overall project management activities..


Task 1.1

Project management at VTT and project coordination in Finland


Task 1.2

Leaderships of WP4 and Tasks allocated to VTT.


Task 1.1

Tieto will lead the work of Work Packages and will participate on steering and managing the consortium on the national level.


Task 1.2

Tieto will participate actively on technical coordination of this project.



Task 1.1

We will contribute to the project management of our portion of project

Instituto de Telecomunicacoes

Task 1.1

Country Coordination for Portugal



Task 1.1

As Spanish consortium leader, Sadiel will contribute to this task in general aspects of the project management by participating in the project meetings and providing the required information, deliverables and demonstrators.


Task 1.1

UPV-PROS will participate in the meetings, audios, telcos and keep up to date regarding the management tasks related to its contributions to the project.


Task 1.2

UPV-PROS will participate in the technical meeting and audios


Luleå University of Technology

Task 1.1 Overall Project Management

National project coordination for Sweden, proj. mgmt. for LTU.


Task 1.2 Technical Coordination

Participate in the TCS, leadership of tasks.

Ericsson Sweden

Task 1.2

Ericsson will be WP leader for WP 3 and participate in the TSC.





Project Yearly Report

Report on the project progress covering administrative and technical aspects. Will include information on any change in the consortium membership, changes in project orientation and priorities and progress report about deliverables.



Project Yearly Report

Report on the project progress covering administrative and technical aspects. Will include information on any change in the consortium membership, changes in project orientation and priorities and progress report about deliverables.



Project Final report

Report on project results including deliverables, demonstrators and dissemination activities.



Ilan Mahalal
Program Manager
Tel: + 331 5501 5547  - Mobile: + 336 0331 9964
Fax: + 331 5501 5220
6 rue de la Verrerie, 92197 Meudon Cedex, France


[1] Underline the WP Leader

Markus Sihvonen

Sep 28, 2011, 7:03:40 AM9/28/11
Hi Ilan,
Actiontech SK is OK. I'll put some effort there also to project web pages in ITEA2.

Jan-Olov Johansson

Sep 28, 2011, 7:05:57 AM9/28/11

Hi all,

A quick scan seem to indicate:


National contacts:

-          Sweden (LTU) OK

-          Finland (VTT) OK

-          France (Gemalto) OK

-          Spain (Sadiel) OK

-          Korea (ActionTech) OK

-          Potugal (Instituto de Telecomunicacoes) OK


-          MRU need to contribute to Task 1.1 as national contact for Lithuania

-          Starhome need to contribute to Task 1.1 as Israeli contact

-          Arcelik need to contribute to Task 1.1 as national contact for Turkey

-          Belgium national contact contribution needed in Task 1.1



WP leadership:

-          WP1 leader OK (Gemalto)

-          WP3 leader OK (Ericsson)

-          WP4 leader OK (VTT)


-          Thales need to contribute to Task 1.2 as WP1 leader

-          Sadiel need to contribute to Task 1.2 as WP 5 leader

-          Instititut telecom SudParis need to contribute to task 1.2 as WP6 leader



Task leaders

I don’t have the full picture here. Task leaders should contribute to Task 1.2.





From: [] On Behalf Of Mahalal Ilan
Sent: den 28 september 2011 12:38
Subject: [SITAC] Important: effort allocation in WP1


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