Request for permission to use your SotA document for the Living Roadmap

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Mahalal Ilan

Aug 1, 2012, 8:49:25 AM8/1/12

Dear all,


I got a request from ITEA to include State of the Art (SotA) public information from SITAC FPP in a Living Roadmap of technologies that is collected from all ITEA projects. Currently they want to include chapter 3.2 in this survey and ask us to confirm that information in this chapter is considered public by the consortium (please see the full email below).

I believe that this information is public and we can allow ITEA to use it. If however, you have any reservations or objections please let me know before Friday 3 August 2012 at 12h. I will then reply positively unless I get any objection from you.

I hope that in September we will also have the green light from all public authorities to start the project!


Best regards,


Ilan Mahalal
Program Manager
Tel: + 331 5501 5547  - Mobile: + 336 0331 9964

6 rue de la Verrerie, 92197 Meudon Cedex, France


Email from ITEA below :


Dear Ilan Mahalal,

For ITEA 3, the follow up of the ITEA 2 program, we are collecting the State of the Art (SotA) of technologies from ITEA projects. We send a request for your approval to use the SotA documents from your project a couple of weeks ago. Up until now we did not receive a response from your side, hence this reminder. 

To freshen up your memory, the SotA documents will be used because the Directors of the Public Authorities have challenged us to introduce several improvements in the new program for ITEA 3. One of the accepted improvements is the introduction of a so called living Roadmap, a dynamic roadmap that will replace the current static Roadmap. This living roadmap will be a system providing information from the ITEA community on the major societal and economic challenges and on the state-of-the-art in technology. In addition we expect that it will provide some information on organizations and key contact persons, but this will require some further consideration of privacy and confidentiality issues. The living roadmap will provide a full text search mechanism to find information on State of the Art (SotA) of technologies from ITEA projects. The information will be regularly updated with new elements coming from the ITEA projects. The living Roadmap can be used to provide support for initiating new project proposals, to steer a project and evaluating new proposals and running projects. For this purpose we will use information that has been declared public by the project consortia.

 Currently a mock up system has been developed, which has been demonstrated in the ITEA bodies and to the public authorities, and it is our intention to provide a more elaborated demo at the next ITEA-ARTEMIS Co-Summit in Paris on October 30&31, 2012. The mock-up has been filled with a set of preliminary descriptions of societal and economic challenges, and with technology State of the Art (SotA) text from FPPs and SotA documents produced as ITEA project deliverables from seven ITEA projects. Also some company descriptions and people descriptions of participants in ITEA projects have been included. It is our intention to extend this data with information from at least 50 projects for the demo at the Co-Summit. We would like to ask for your support in providing content for the demo in the form of public technology state of the art descriptions, company descriptions and people descriptions. It should be clear that we will not publish any project information without approval for publication by the project consortia. Also, the way we will deal with the information on companies and persons in the public system beyond the demo system has to be further clarified. 

For project SITAC we have already identified the following technology state of the art (SotA) text. Can you indicate if this data is public and can be used for publication in the living roadmap?


FPP: version 2012-03-08, chapter 3.2           Public: Yes/No


Format: Preferably in MSWord


If you have more public deliverables available please inform us and sent it to us or upload them to the ITEA Community website and indicate them as public (a link to the document will be automatically published in the specific project information area on the ITEA Public website). 

Furthermore we would like to know if you are willing to provide a public description of the involved companies and a description of the main contacts that the consortium considers as public and that we can use in the demo system? 

Best Regards,

Erik Rodenbach


Noel Crespi

Aug 1, 2012, 9:13:12 AM8/1/12

Dear Ilan,


Institut Telecom has no concern with this request from ITEA.


Best regards,



De : [] De la part de Mahalal Ilan
Envoyé : mercredi 1 août 2012 14:49
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Objet : [SITAC-n/c] Request for permission to use your SotA document for the Living Roadmap

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