1st SPARK Academy - Applications Deadline: March 20, 2023

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Chris Fourie

Mar 18, 2023, 10:34:36 AM3/18/23
to sisonk...@googlegroups.com

Forwarding for those with an interest in AI and Medical Imaging...

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We welcome you to submit applications to the 1st SPARK Academy to attend a free comprehensive deep learning training for medical imaging.

The 2023 SPARK Academy will run from April 3 to July 31, 2023, simultaneously across Several cities in Africa (Lagos, Nigeria; Minna, Nigeria; Temale, Ghana; Jimma, Ethiopia; Kigali, Rwanda; Cape Town, South Africa; Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, and Yaounde, Cameroon).

See below for more details

1st SPARK Academy

Lagos/Temale/Jimma/Kigali/Cape Town/Dar es Salaam/Yaounde, April 3 – July 31, 2023

Applications Deadline: March 20, 2023

The Sprint AI Training for African Medical Imaging Knowledge Translation (SPARK) Academy is a case-based training program designed to empower African researchers with the skills to create and implement AI tools for medical diagnostics.

The 1st SPARK Academy will guide up to 50 African trainees through steps to develop state-of-the art AI methods for brain tumor segmentation and enable 5 teams from this cohort to participate in the MICCAI 2023 Brain Tumor Segmentation (BraTS) Challenge. The top 3 teams from Africa will win monetary prizes (up to $5000/team).

We will offer a training facility for the in-person hackathon and provide meals during the full day event. All live training events are in East Africa Time (EAT).

Who can apply?

  • Open to all African clinicians and researchers based in Lagos, Tamale, Kigali, Jimma, Cape Town, Dar es Salaam or Yaounde.
  • Any undergraduate or graduate student in medical physics, computer science, biomedical engineering or radiography or medical residents in oncology, radiology, neurology and neurosurgery or early-career researcher (with a PhD/MD in the past 2 years) can apply.
  • The applicants should have intermediate to advanced programming skills.

Online Application: https://event.fourwaves.com/spark/registration

Application inquiries can be emailed to sp...@mailab.io

For more details, see event page: https://event.fourwaves.com/spark/pages

We are looking forward to receiving your applications!

Please also share this with you colleagues

Best regards,

SPARK Academy (sp...@mailab.io)

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