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[AI + Healthcare workshop]

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Chris Fourie

Dec 6, 2022, 4:58:47 AM12/6/22
to SisonkeBiotik,

 Participate in
African 🌍 Machine Learning 🤖 and Health 🩺 

Join our open community



AML Health workshop -- flyer.gif

LIMITED SPACE - Apply / signup today!

For the first time, the IndabaX South Africa - one of the most impactful AI conferences in Africa - in partnership with the Sisonke Biotik community has provided an additional 60 tickets (day pass) to help make the Africa Machine Learning (AML) & Health workshop and Artificial Intelligence (AI) community more accessible to individuals with healthcare backgrounds. 

Whether you are just getting started, a seasoned academic, or your interest lies more in business - the IndabaX model aims to cater and provide content for each of these tracks. The main focus of the AML Health workshop is to help build capacity and foster opportunity for ML / AI and health in Africa, while spotlighting African success stories in this space.

In this workshop, we will be exploring new and promising technologies that are poised to provide high impact in the healthcare space. 

Join us to understand how AI is busy transforming healthcare in South Africa. 

Not only that! We will also be launching an ‘Ideathon’ challenge to help build this diverse and multidisciplinary community, while identifying promising projects for funding efforts.

Curious yet? Be part of the transformation!

Apply / signup

🌟 Please share with friends and colleagues that have a healthcare background 🫶

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