WELCOME SiRAnaut! We're thrilled to have you here. The Society of Information Risk Analysts (SIRA) is dedicated to continually improving the practice of information risk analysis. We endeavor to do this by supporting the collaborative efforts of our members through research, knowledge sharing, and member-driven education. You're on the email list...let the knowledge sharing commence!
About this list: This is our public mailing list, open to all. Posts are not moderated, however we do expect discussions to be professional and collegial. Management reserves the right to eject disruptors of the peace, spammy charlatans, and/or anyone who's turned to the dark side of the Force.
About this group: We are also at
societyinforisk.org and
@societyinforisk (on twitter). Don't forget to come see us in person at
SiRAcon, the best conference in the world for information risk & data-driven folk.