May I write an article for your website?

閲覧: 14 回

Lucy Reed

2021/07/07 4:54:062021/07/07

These days, starting a business is so easy that it has become a great option for a side gig.

Ecommerce businesses, especially, are great for anyone who wants to test the entrepreneurial waters or set up a potential passive income stream. But as with any business, the key to success in ecommerce is creating loyal, happy customers.

It’s a topic I’d love to write about for your website, if you’re interested. In the article, I’ll offer tips for ecommerce entrepreneurs or wannabe entrepreneurs on how they can attract first-time customers and turn them into loyal shoppers. I'll include a tip on hiring a web designer to put together an attractive, easy-to-navigate website, and will plug in your services.

Please let me know if this topic is of interest and I’ll get started on the article.

Thank you for your time!
Lucy Reed
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