Fw: The first week in Hyderabad .....

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Ashish Anand

Jun 11, 2006, 10:47:44 PM6/11/06
to sips...@googlegroups.com

----- Forwarded by Ashish Anand/HSS on 06/12/2006 08:12 AM -----

abhinav mathur <abhinav...@yahoo.com> wrote on 06/09/2006 05:04:46 PM:

> Hello Everyone,
> Prologue:
> During the days before departure, the releving
> activties had kept me busy patrolling between plot 31
> and 17 for nearly two days, already exhausted the next
> two days were also spent on the road, closing bank
> accounts/memberships and meeting relatives. No wonder
> I thought that I am not feeling anything, there wasnt
> any time to sit down and contemplate anyway.
> I had accidently smashed my Samsung D500 during
> packing, then managed to get a new Motorola V3i just
> before departure, symbolic really, that 2 inch piece
> of black metal had also said its goodbye. Next day the
> flight was for 8'o clock in the morning and I did not
> catch any sleep in the night.
> Arrival: 4th June - "Welcome to Hyderabad"
> Half-dazed, half awake when I reached Airport in wee
> hours of the morning, I thought I was seeing a familar
> face in every second person I saw, and I probably
> thought of normalising myself that one often tends to
> see people one is missing or going to miss. What waked
> me up that I really was seeing a familiar face and it
> was not a hallucination. It was Vishwa, who had come
> to drop off his wife for her flight to Bangalore.
> The next few hours were spent watching the Indian
> bowling effort on the lounge widescreen, the flight
> was delayed due to bomb suspicion on the pending
> Srinagar flight. When finally on the aircraft, the
> takeoff was smooth and before I actually realized it,
> we were already halfway around the distance. A peep
> out of the window revealed the weather. We flying over
> what seemed like a puffed carpet of white colour. Soon
> afterwards, we were decending through its heavy
> turbulence for landing. Then, after a brief wait for
> the luggage, the taxi was waiting already. I just went
> to the hotel (Ohris Banjara ***) I am staying in slept
> rest of the day off.
> Day 2:5th June
> The good night sleep did do some wonders to freshen me
> up, and the rest was completed by the butterflies in
> my stomach. The first thing that struck me on the way
> was that how hilly entire region actually was. On my
> first trip to the twin cities in 12th standard on a
> KVPY science trip. I was staying in the main city
> which is literally built on flat ground. But the IT
> city area is virtually carved on top of small hills.
> There are many boulders delicately aligned on the way
> scuptled by the wind, suggesting the area did not have
> any earthquakes in the recent past.
> The new joinees included the full spectrum from top
> level managers to freshers and we were all put through
> the same introductory trainings. I could not meet my
> Sipsa teamate Mukul on the first day but met up with
> the Nsit guys, Gaurav and Ghakar. And I should
> seriously say, the old Bhushi gave me a fright to the
> extent he had changed. But after a while I noticed, it
> was just the shock of meeting him here, underneath he
> was the same old cheerful person.
> Day 3:6th June
> More trainings, for the entire group, for nearly the
> day. At lunchtime, I finally caught up with Mukul, and
> he showed me around the facility. Then we began
> comparing notes as to what are substitues of the
> services and webpages back there to here. The evening
> was spent opening the new accounts and the other
> formalities.
> The locals near the hotel and in the market speak
> proper enough English, so conversing is not a problem
> yet. Broken Hindi takes over anyway when they see my
> dumbstruck response for telegu.
> Day 4:7th June
> The first full day at job without the training
> interruptions. At lunch Mukul showed me the huge three
> cafeterias we have here. But still finding food for my
> seriously choosy bowels was a task in itself. Post
> lunch, I had a session of pool with Mukul. It was
> pretty funny actually, I could barely hold the cue,
> which had me surprised by its weight and the
> difficulty to keep it straight. How either of us
> managed to not have three fouls in a row, I dont know,
> but we were with regular consistency giving each other
> the ball in hand, managing to make half of the short
> straight pots.
> Day 4:8th June
> The morning was spent with all the new joinees going
> for medical checkups in the diagnostic centre in the
> city. The schedule was Chest X Ray, ECG, Blood Sugar
> (fasting and after meal), Blood Pressure and the
> normal physical examination. (No prizes for guessing
> what they found to be abnormally high).
> I got back to the campus by afternoon and in the
> evening checked my old debit card in the Icici Atm.
> What worried me was the last salary was not added,
> adding to the ever-increasing list of things to be
> settled.
> Day 5:9th June
> After going through the work docs I have realized that
> with the steep learing curve there wont be much time
> for any other activites. Every three words you hit
> something which bounces way over the head.
> The weekend will anyway go in the frantic search for
> rented accomodation and room partners. But a feeling
> inside me was telling me that it was high time I wrote
> something ...
> Epilogue:
> We take a lot of things for granted in our daily lives
> as we think they are a part of the normal background
> anyway. We dont talk to people in front thinking we
> can talk to them later, they will be around. Turn the
> life upside down and then the real worth emerges. I
> knew that in my personality I always had some
> emotional inertia, which lingers on as defect in me.
> It takes some time to for seriousness of a situation
> to hit me effectively, and I act impulsively without
> much proper thought, leaving me pondering later on for
> hours about "Hey, why did I do that?" or "Why did I
> say that?, thats not the way I think!". It is now that
> I truly remember my friends, who were there with me
> during work, with me during the good times, consoling
> me through the rough patches, and guessing the
> dumbcharads movies right no matter how badly I did
> them. Through this moment of change in my life, the
> feeling of change inside me, has not still sunk in
> ....................
> ..............yet.
> Take care and keep in touch.
> Astalabista,
> Abhinav
> PS:
> Official ID: ab...@microsoft.com
> New Number : 09949476425
> I would request "John Cena" to forward this mail to
> sipsagang and add abhinav...@yahoo.com to it,
> removing the older id.
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