Doin it wrong? Stickie the GV# in sipdroid's Phone Number field?

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Mar 8, 2012, 12:42:30 AM3/8/12
to Sipdroid Forum
Am I doing this wrong, did I miss somewhere in the setup?

Got Google voice running (and I am in Canada, so it was a little
dance, but its cool now)
Got sipdroid for my android phone (a ZTE blade)
Got it all working with GV call-back. PBX likes me, hooray

Only thing is: whenever I launch sipdroid the PHONE NUMBER field is
as is the Called Party Address field below it.

So then I have to track doen my GV# and enter it.

Did I miss something in the setup that forces/stickies my GV# into the
first window,
so that all I brainlessly have to do is fill the second window for a
GV routed call-back?

That would be a real swell feature.. <grin>
at least until I figured out how to do all kinds of other tricks with

Cheers + thanks, hope this isnt too noob a querry.

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