HTML5 code could replace Windows applications

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Victor Pascual Avila

May 4, 2011, 5:38:39 AM5/4/11

From ACM TechNews:

HTML5 Code Could Replace Windows Applications


(04/27/11) Daniel Robinson


Browser-based applications built with HTML5 should match the functionality

of native Windows applications in the future, even for graphics-intensive

software, says Microsoft's Paul Cotton.  He notes that HTML5-based

applications, built using Web standards, could run on any platform or

system, enabling developers to target a wider audience.  "Not only are the

specs moving in that direction, but I think that some of the things browsers

are putting into their environment are moving in that direction as well,"

Cotton says.  However, he notes that more developer tools to build HTML5

apps are needed for Web apps to reach their full potential.  "Until the

marketplace gives us a rich set of HTML5 development tools, [developers]

will continue to march to the place that gives them the best tooling," he



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Victor Pascual Ávila
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