ResumeRDF issues - reference & language skills

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Jul 30, 2016, 5:58:46 AM7/30/16
to SIOC-Dev
When going through the documentation of ResumeRDF, I found some issues.

The first one is a type.

Class: cv:Refernece

Refernece - CV entry for references 


This should be cv:Reference, instead of cv:Refernece 
All other reference properties & classes use the correct spelling of reference. 

I also have an issue with Language.
I think this part is not completed yet.
I don't see how I can connect a languageskill with a Person, as their is currently no hasLanguageSkill property.

It is clear that I can specify my skill level with cv:lngSkillLevelReading & cv:lngSkillLevelWritten

I see the creator mentions on cv:LanguageSkill : Inherited skill level used for spoken.
This is unclear for me as there is no lngSkillLevelSpoken

Another thing that is unclear is how I attach a language to this.
I speak three languages and have no idea on how to specify them atm. 

in foaf, the language property is missing as well.
It is however present in vcard. (vcard:language)

What I would propose:

<div typeof="cv:Person">
<div property="cv:hasLanguageSkill" typeof="cv:LanguageSkill">
<h3 property="cv:lngSkillCode" content="en">English<h3>
<p>speaking: <span property="cv:lngSkillLevelSpoken">5</span> / 5</p>

<p>reading: <span property="cv:lngSkillLevelReading">5</span> / 5</p>
<p>writing: <span property="cv:lngSkillLevelWritten">4</span> / 5</p>

And I would use BCP 47 for language codes

Regards, Frederik. 
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