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Resume/CV application using ResumeRDF ontology...

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Bruce Whealton

Feb 16, 2016, 3:30:56 AM2/16/16
to SIOC-Dev
       This is the list that is listed for discussion of the resume/CV ontology, with namespace:

I created an application at
I was going to get a more appropriate url when it is more successful.  I guess I should first ask, if anyone on this list, esp. the
creators of the ontology know of similar applications which use this vocabulary/ontology?

I created it with Drupal 7.  Drupal 7 comes with RDFa out of the box.  There was a module that would import an ontology but I have had
problems with it.  Theoretically, it should just create text completion when setting up the forms.  I mean you can easily add the namespace
to the top of the application.  Then you can create fields which are based on the CV terms - Classes and Properties.  

I figure that with all Semantic Web Applications (or many of them) one needs to produce something that is easy to use by anyone, including 
non-technical folks.  

In order to try to utilize the terms and the ontology Classes and Properties, I created one content type called Resume or CV.  However, I try to 
encourage the use of the other content types for different parts of the resume.  First to define a Drupal term ( as I based this on Drupal ), a content type
might be called a node, or an entity in technical Drupal terms.  Perhaps even "content type" is itself confusing.  Basically, it is a form with fields
for different parts of the data that you are collecting.  So, when creating a content item of type Employment/Experience, I used corresponding 
properties from the ontology specification as fields.  This was similarly done for Professional Training, Formal Education, References, Skills, and Other Information.  Ok, 
then when they have that information, they can create content of type Resume/CV and link to the other content items.  

In all areas, I used their name in the title of the content item and that was automatically generated.  So, if I was creating an entry for a skill, the title would read Bruce Whealton has the skill Python Programming, for example.  There is a field for entering their name, which is used to auto-create the title and not let users 
create the title.  

I have something of a challenge in communicating the value of doing things this way... the benefits - I am ambivalent about putting too much
focus on how this might help search engines better understand the content on a web page.  It will do that, at least, I hope search engines are 
using data from popular ontologies that they can reference for more information.  However, I would not want to communicate that any "Semantic Web" application
is just about one small end use.  In fact, the idea of using Linked Open Data on the Semantic Web, in ways never anticipated by the
publishers of the data is the goal and exciting aspect of such technologies.  

Of course, I need to get people to use this, to make it useful.  I probably need to explain things better - I was thinking of using Powerpoint and then creating a 
Video from that.  

I hope with this post to achieve a few different things.  (1) is to get the word out and hope people will use this; (2) to get feedback on both the RDFa being generated
and (3) my approach, (4) my explanation and (5) ultimately get some interest in contributing to this so that I'm not working on my own and not having any idea 
as to how well I am achieving my goals, the value of the site and I definitely need feedback on explaining things to the end user - even just suggestions for the latter, are

Thanks so much in advance,
Bruce M Whealton
919-213-0811 (Google voice )

Bruce Whealton

Feb 17, 2016, 12:03:00 AM2/17/16

I meant to add that it would be good to have a way to associate a foaf:Person with a resume/cv.  The resume ontology has a property of aboutPerson but in the foaf ontology a person is represented as a class.  It seems we could add a person class to the resume ontology.  By the way, everything I'm doing is intended as fully open source.  I'm just interested in creating a tool any person at all could use.  Obviously, there are some hurdles to overcome or challenges in "selling" this to the non-technical people out there.

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Uldis Bojars

Mar 22, 2016, 2:50:06 PM3/22/16
to SIOC-Dev
Hi Bruce,

Thank you for your interest in the Resume RDF ontology.

On 17 February 2016 at 07:02, Bruce Whealton <> wrote:

I meant to add that it would be good to have a way to associate a foaf:Person with a resume/cv.  The resume ontology has a property of aboutPerson but in the foaf ontology a person is represented as a class.  It seems we could add a person class to the resume ontology.  By the way, everything I'm doing is intended as fully open source.  I'm just

Resume RDF already has such a class: cv:Person

That does not yet answer your question about connecting foaf:Person to a resume/cv but it answers the request to add a person class.

Things we could do in order to better link FOAF and Resume RDF:

1) make cv:Person a subClassOf foaf:Person

2) add a property that is the inverse of cv:aboutPerson

Looking forward to comments about these two proposals.

The adding of inverse properties is sometimes frowned upon but perhaps it is needed in this case.


Bruce Whealton

Mar 26, 2016, 4:57:59 PM3/26/16
Hi Uldis, 
Thanks for your feedback and suggestions, as well as openness to changes.  My issue was this.  I wanted to have on my website(s) a way to say, that I have a Resume and link to that resume.  First, I'd declare that I am a foaf:Person.  Then I'd want to say
Bruce hasResume <uri of resume>.
So, let's see, the inverse of aboutPerson, would that do it?  It isn't so desirable to just have a rdf:seeAlso ( is it rdf:seeAlso or rdfs:seeAlso?).  That doesn't communicate any meaning to the link to my resume.  I know there was a generic vocabulary/ontology for
creating adhoc properties.  I don't like that solution because the terms you create for your own application are not generally known by others.  
Hence, my request to see if we could align the resume ontology with for example foaf in a way that I can say this is my resume.  Now that I think about it, that is exactly what an inverse of cv:aboutPerson would do, or so it seems.  cv:Resume is cv:aboutPerson 
and its inverse would allow linking a foaf:Person to a cv:Person described in a resume.  Does that sound correct?

Bruce M Whealton Jr.
I do business as Future Wave Web Development
Providing Web Development & Design, as well as Programming/Software Engineering

Nicholas Buccleugh

Jun 16, 2016, 11:17:06 AM6/16/16
Hi Bruce,

I'd like to take a look at the application you created, but I don't see it at:

Do you have it available elsewhere?


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