Help required in code for custom tracer concentration profile input

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piyush mohanty

2:38ā€ÆAMĀ (12 hours ago)Ā 2:38ā€ÆAM
to MRST-users: The Matlab Reservoir Simulation Toolbox User Group

I intend to show tracer flow with my own data for a time dependent tracer concentration profile. I curve fitted my data in a Fourier series form but I was unable to get the result by inputting a time dependent form of c in the loop. Please help in this regard

%% Define and discretize the domain
[nx,ny,nz] = deal(50, 1, 1);
[Lx,Ly,Lz] = deal(500*ft, 1*ft, 1*ft);
G = cartGrid([nx, ny, nz], [Lx, Ly, Lz]);
G = computeGeometry(G);
plotGrid(G); view(3); axis tight equal
a0=5.5802; % Constants for curve fitted fourier data
%% Define rock model
rock = makeRock(G, 30*milli*darcy, 0.3);
cr = 5e-6/psia;
Pref = 3000*psia;
Dref = 0.5*ft;
PVref = poreVolume(G, rock);
PVfunc = @(P) PVref.*exp(cr*(P - Pref));
P = linspace(1500*psia,Pref,50);
plot(P/psia, PVref(1)*exp(cr*(P-Pref))/ft^3,'LineWidth',2);
xlabel('Pressure [psia]')
ylabel('Single Gridblock Pore Volume [ft^3]')
%% Define model for an slightly compressible fluid
mu = 1*centi*poise;
cFluid = 3e-6/psia;
rhoRef = 62*pound/ft^3; % reservoir fluid density at the reference conditions
rhoFunc = @(P) rhoRef*exp(cFluid*(P - Pref));
xlabel('Pressure [psia]')
ylabel('Fluid Density [lbm/ft^3]')
%% Specify boundary conditions
nc = G.cells.num;
W = addWell([], G, rock, 1, 'Name', 'Injection Well' , 'Radius', 0.5*ft);
W = addWell(W , G, rock, nc, 'Name', 'Production Well', 'Radius', 0.5*ft);
injCell = W(1).cells;
prodCell = W(2).cells;
PIprod = W(2).WI; % well productivity indices
dzProd = W(2).dZ; % perforated cell depth relative to bottom-hole
% Internal boundary conditions
qInj = 0.1*stb/day;
BHPprod = Pref;
influxConc = 1*mol/kilogram; % mol of solvent in 1 kilogram of solution
gravity reset on, g = norm(gravity);
Pperf = BHPprod + rhoFunc(BHPprod)*g.*dzProd; % wellbore pressures at perforated points
%% Set initial pressure and concentration
PG = rhoFunc(Pref)*g;
Pinit = Pref + PG.*(G.cells.centroids(:,3) - Dref);
Cinit = 0*mol/kilogram*ones(nc,1);
%% Compute transmissibilities
N = double(G.faces.neighbors); % Map: face -> cell
intInx = all(N ~= 0, 2); % Interior faces
N = N(intInx, :); % Interior neighbors
hT = computeTrans(G, rock); % Half-transmissibilities
cf = G.cells.faces(:,1); % Map: cell -> face
nf = G.faces.num; % Total number of faces
T = 1 ./ accumarray(cf, 1 ./ hT, [nf, 1]); % Harmonic average
T = T(intInx); % Restricted to interior
%% Define discrete operators to desretize the mathematical equations
n = size(N,1);
C = sparse( [(1:n)'; (1:n)'], N, ones(n,1)*[-1 1], n, G.cells.num);
grad = @(x)C*x;
div = @(x)-C'*x;
avg = @(x) 0.5 * (x(N(:,1)) + x(N(:,2)));
upwind = @(x,flag) x(N(:,1)).*double(flag)+x(N(:,2)).*double(~flag);
%% Initialize for solution loop
[P_AD, C_AD] = initVariablesADI(Pinit, Cinit);
[pIx, cIx] = deal(1:nc, (nc+1):(2*nc));
numSteps = 500; % number of time-steps
totTime = 270*day; % total simulation time
dt = totTime / numSteps; % constant time step
tol = 1e-5; % Newton tolerance
maxIter = 10; % max number of Newton-Raphson iterations
sol = repmat(struct('time',[],'pressure',[], 'C', []),[numSteps+1,1]);
sol(1) = struct('time', 0, 'pressure', value(P_AD)/psia, 'C', value(C_AD));
%% Main loop
t = 0; step = 0;
hwb = waitbar(t,'Simulation ...');
while t < totTime
t = t + dt;
d = (t-177.7)/(55.2);
step = step + 1;
fprintf('\nTime step %d: Time %.2f -> %.2f days\n', ...
step, convertTo(t - dt, day), convertTo(t, day));
c = a0 + a1*cos(d*w) + b1*sin(d*w) + a2*cos(2*d*w) + b2*sin(2*d*w) + a3*cos(3*d*w) + b3*sin(3*d*w) + a4*cos(4*d*w) + b4*sin(4*d*w) + a5*cos(5*d*w) + b5*sin(5*d*w) + a6*cos(6*d*w) + b6*sin(6*d*w);
P0 = value(P_AD);
C0 = value(c/1000000);
% Newton loop
resNorm = 1e+99;
iterCounter = 0;
while (resNorm > tol) && (iterCounter <= maxIter)
%% Define pressure equation
[rho_AD, rho0] = deal(rhoFunc(P_AD), rhoFunc(P0));
[PV_AD , PV0] = deal(PVfunc(P_AD), PVfunc(P0));
gradz = grad(G.cells.centroids(:,3));
v = -(T/mu).*(grad(P_AD) - avg(rho_AD)*g.*gradz);
pressEq = (1/dt)*(PV_AD.*rho_AD - PV0.*rho0) + div(avg(rho_AD).*v);
% Adding boundary conditions
qProd = -PIprod.*(1/mu).*(P_AD(prodCell) - Pperf);
% The BC of the production well can be set in 2 different ways, either using the BHP directly or using the equivalent production flowrate.
pressEq(prodCell) = pressEq(prodCell) - qProd*rho_AD(prodCell); % Method 1
% pressEq(prodCell) = P_AD(prodCell) - BHPprod; % Method 2
pressEq(injCell) = pressEq(injCell) - qInj*rhoRef;
%% Define the mass transport equation of the desired species
% water upstream-index
upcw = v > 0;
accumTerm = (1/dt).*(PV_AD.*rho_AD.*C_AD - PV0.*rho0.*C0);
% Flux term without dispersion
% fluxTerm = div(upwind(C_AD.*rho_AD, upcw).*v);
% Flux term with dispersion
D = 10^(-9)*meter^2/second*ones;
fluxTerm = div(upwind(C_AD.*rho_AD, upcw).*v - avg(rock.poro.*rho_AD).*D.*grad(C_AD));
transEq = accumTerm + fluxTerm;
% Add boundary conditions
% transEq(injCell) = C_AD(injCell) - influxConc; % Method 1
transEq(injCell) = transEq(injCell) - qInj*rhoRef*influxConc; % Method 2
transEq(prodCell) = transEq(prodCell) - qProd*rho_AD(prodCell)*C_AD(prodCell);
%% Collect and concatenate all equations (i.e., assemble and linearize system)
eqs = {pressEq, transEq};
eq = cat(eqs{:});
J = eq.jac{1}; % Jacobian
res = eq.val; % residual
increment = -(J \ res); % Newton update
%% Update variables
P_AD.val = P_AD.val + increment(pIx);
C_AD.val = C_AD.val + increment(cIx);
resNorm = norm(res);
iterCounter = iterCounter + 1;
fprintf(' Iteration %3d: Res = %.4e\n', iterCounter, resNorm);
if iterCounter > maxIter
error('Newton solver did not converge')
else % Store solution
sol(step+1) = struct('time', t, 'pressure', value(P_AD)/psia, 'C', value(C_AD));
%% For a 1-dimensional domain
for i = 1:numel(sol)
plot(1:nc, sol(i).C, 'LineWidth', 1)
title(['Tracer Concentration Profile (', 'Time Step: ', num2str(i),')'])
ylim([Cinit(1), influxConc])
xlabel('Gridblock Index')
ylabel('Tracer Concentration [mole/kilogram]')
Screenshot 2024-06-30 115524.png
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