Jamia Hafsah/Lal Mosque, Imam-e-Ka'aba and Saudi Islam.

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Mansoor Hallaj

Jun 7, 2007, 5:48:46 AM6/7/07
to sindh-p...@yahoogroups.com

As per latest news report [Geo, Ary and AAJ TV dated 7
Jun 2007] the Clerics Mullah Abdul Qayyum, Mullah
Abdul Rasheed Ghazi, Mullah Abdul Aziz Ghazi have met
the Saudi Ambassador Ali Awadh Al Aseeri and also went
and participated in a function in Muree, Islamabad
where Imam-e-Ka'aba was delivering a lecture.
Reportedly the rampant Mullahs ofr Jamia Hafsah/Lal
Mosuqe demanded the enforcement of Saudi Style Islam
in Pakistan.

Earlier while delivering an speech Imam-e-Kaaba Shaikh
Abdur Rehman al-Sudais said;


"The Imam-e-Kaaba said he was disappointed to note
that the Lal Masjid brigade had involved women and
children who, he said "should not be used (in such
activity)." He said Islam does not allow anybody to
make mosques sanctuary this way. This is no wise
method, he said, adding that mosques are Houses of
Allah Almighty, not meant to show power by any person
or group. Anybody who likes to enforce Islamic Shariah
can't force it on his own. It can't be enforced at the
individual level. Ulema and those having knowledge of
Islam should be approached for this purpose.Al-Sudais
said that in an Islamic government, everybody cannot
act on his own and has to follow the system and
institutions of the state. Anarchy and chaos, he said,
are worse than murder, and Muslims must have to act
collectively. They are not allowed to adopt an
independent path."


One must be very clear in policy statement
particularly those who claim to be the lease holder of
Paradise and Hell [The administration of Lal Mosque
and Jamia Hafsah]. It is easier said than done, very
easy to demand Saudi Brand of Islam in Pakistan but
what about the Moharram Processions, Celebration of
Birth Anniversary of Holy Prophet Mohammad [PBUH],
what about the fate of Thousands if not Million of
Tombs and Shrines of Sufi Saints in Pakistan, what
about the fate of Free Press [Saudi Government has
strict control over Print and Electronic Media], what
about the fate of Tableeghi Jamat of Raiwind [their
book Fazail-e-Aamal is banned in Saudi Arabia, i
wonder where General Retd Javed Nasir, General
Zaheerul Islam, Brigadier Mustansir Billah, Admiral
Sirohi,General Mehmood, Junaid Jamshed and whole
Pakistani Cricket team would go] and above all these
Saudis are called SALAFIS [the derogatory term for
them is Wahabis].

They consider Shias, Deobandis, Barelvis,
Jamat-e-Islami and other Religious Mafias as groups of
Devaint Muslims.



Download and Read detailed documents on Saudi Brand of
Islam. All the so-called Islam Loving people would be
jumping in joy.............

The Salafee Position on Terrorism, Suicide Bombings,
and Hijackings

Learn what orthodox Salafee Scholars say concerning
the what has become widespread in contemporary times
of the ideologies of terrorism, suicide bombings, and
hijackings, protests and revolutions as independent
means of reform and societal change, clothed in garb
of Islaam and Salafiyyah. These are no more than the
sickly outward expressions and practical requirements
of the doctrines of the likes of Sayyid Qutb [the
Fusionist of Alexis Carrel's "Barbarism", the Leninist
Marxist "Revolutionary Vanguard Elite", and Mawdudi's
"Raafidee Imaamate"] as exemplified in the actions of
contemporary Takfeeri, Jihaadee and Khaarijee renegade
sects, masquerading their actions as Islaam and
masquerading themselves as Salafiyyah.

The Meaning of 'Terrorism' and 'Extremism'


The Advice of Shaykhul-Islaam Ibn Baaz (D.1420H) to
Usaamah Ibn Laadin al-Khaarijee and A warning and
Advice to all those who Traverse his Path

The advice of the noble muftee of Saudi Arabia to
takfeeree, khaarijee Ibn Laadin.


Fataawaa From the Imaams of Salafiyyah Concerning
Rallies and Demonstrations and Additional Guidelines
Concerning Revolt and Takfeer in Light of the Algerian

The Fataawaa of Imaam Ibn Baaz (d. 1420H) al-'Allaamah
Ibnul-'Uthaymeen (d. 1421H) & al-Muhaddith
Naasirud-Deen al-Albaanee (d. 1420H)

The Fatwaa of Imaam Ibnul-'Uthaymeen Concerning the
Algerian Affair and additional Guidelines Concerning
Terrorism and Revolt

An Important set of questions answered by Imaam
Ibnul-'Uthaymeen on the revolt in Algeria and
terrorist activity.

The Fatwaa of Imaam Ibn Baaz Concerning the Algerian
Affair and additional Guidelines Concerning Terrorism
and Revolt

An Important set of questions answered by Imaam Ibn
Baaz on the revolt in Algeria and terrorist activity.

Shaykh Sulaymaan ar-Ruhaylee Speaks About the Current
Situation in 'Iraaq

An Important question answered by Shaykh Sulaymaan
ar-Ruhaylee in light of the crisis in a'-'Iraaq. We
hope that this will begin to answer the questions that
many have been asking about the correct Salafee
position with regards to the calamities that have
befallen the Ummah in 'Iraaq.

The Cataclysmic Tragedy of Saddaam Husayn
Decisive verdicts from the likes of Shaykhul-Islaam
Ibn Baaz and al-Muhaddith Muqbil Ibn Haadee
al-Waadi'ee concerning one who has brought about much
harm and transgression upon the Muslims. Indeed, as
the people knowledge have explained, Islaam has no
place for the heretical ideologies of the Ba'thiyyah,
nor does Islaam accept Saddaam's hypocritical attempts
to appease the Muslims and thereby convince them to be
in his favour.

The Advice of al-'Allaamah Zayd Ibn Haadee
al-Madkhalee on 'Iraaq

[Q]: And the second question O Shaykh, it is: What is
our position, or the position of the Muslims in
general with regards to the fitnah that has occurred
recently in al-'Iraaq in these days? [A]: It is upon
the Muslims to beseech Allaah the Mighty and Majestic
so that He raises Islaam and the Muslims, so that He
raises the Religion, and so that He raises the
Magnificent Book, and so that He raises the purified
Sunnah and so that He raises the status of knowledge
and the Scholars. And so that He grants relief and a
way out from every fitnah (trial, tribulation).

The Major Scholars on the Salafee Position Towards the
Suicide Bombings by the Khawaarij in Riyadh

The Salafee position concerning the Sharee'ah ruling
on these acts, explaining the five necessities that
Islaam protects, the types of people the Islaamic
Sharee'ah prohibits harming and killing, and the great
crime and opposition to the Sharee'ah of thes

Shaikh Ibn Uthaimeen on Committing Suicide Attacking
The Enemy by Blowing Oneself Up In a Car
Shaikh Ibn Uthaimeen confirming the judgement that
suicide bombers have the same ruling as committing

Shaikh Muqbil Interview with Yemen Times
An interview with Shaikh Muqbil during 2000 which
clarifies the nature of the Shaikh's dawah, his
education camps, and his refutation of terrorism and
violence as a means to effect soceital change.

Shaikh Salih as-Suhaymee on Recent Events in the US
Shaikh Salih as-Suhaymee, of Madinah, Saudi Arabia,
addresses the issues of Islaam and terrorism, in light
of the recent events that took place in the US.

The Mufti of Saudi Arabia on the New York Attacks

The Shaykh frees Islaam from all forms of oppression
and clears it of the false claims made against it, and
makes it clear that Islaam forbids terrorism and
injustice, and he calls the Scholars of Islaam to
clarify that Islaam does not sanction terrorism.

Shaikh Ibn Baz and Shaikh Ibn Jibreen on Hijacking and

The verdicts of the two Shaikhs on hijacking planes
and ships and kidnapping people in order to effect



Saudi ambassador meets Lal Masjid clerics By Syed
Irfan Raza

June 07, 2007 Thursday Jamadi-ul-Awwal 21, 1428


Imam-e-Kaaba urges Lal Masjid to shun confrontation

Thursday, June 07, 2007, Jamadi-ul-Awal 21, 1428 A.H.


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