I'm working with a group that has upgraded from Tenable vbersion 5.19.1 to Tenable 5.20.
The Tenable SAML SP requests a NameID format of transient and ignores the attribute we set in the GUI configuration for the Tenable SAML SP.
I have configured the IDP to send
provided that the SP requests this in the AuthRequest, however, the SP
only requests a NameID format of
Moreover, the Tenable SP uses the value of the transient NameID to identify users, instead of the attribute we configured and that the IDP sends.
The prior version of the software accepted the Username Attribute that we set in the SAML configuration GUI.
The question is how to get Tenable's SimpleSAMLphp SP to either recognize the Usename Attribute that we set in the GUI, or else request an emailAddress nameID format.
We attempted to modify
NameIDPolicy => [ 'Format' => 'urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:1.1:nameid-format:emailAddress', 'AllowCreate' => true ],
but this caused an error.