Tenable SimpleSAMLphp not recognizing attribute, NameID transient

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F Lengyel

Jan 12, 2022, 4:58:51 PM1/12/22
to SimpleSAMLphp

I'm working with a group that has upgraded from Tenable vbersion 5.19.1 to Tenable 5.20.
The Tenable SAML SP requests a NameID format of transient and ignores the attribute we set in the GUI configuration for the Tenable SAML SP. 

I have configured the IDP to send 

provided that the SP requests this in the AuthRequest, however, the SP
only requests a NameID format of 

Moreover, the Tenable SP uses the value of the transient NameID to identify users, instead of the attribute we configured and that the IDP sends. 

The prior version of the software accepted the   Username Attribute that we set in the SAML configuration GUI. 

The question is how to get Tenable's SimpleSAMLphp SP to either recognize the Usename Attribute that we set in the GUI, or else request an emailAddress nameID format. 

We attempted to modify 
NameIDPolicy => [ 'Format' => 'urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:1.1:nameid-format:emailAddress', 'AllowCreate' => true ],

 but this caused an error.



Jan 12, 2022, 11:47:08 PM1/12/22
to SimpleSAMLphp
I think you will have to reach out to Tenable's support to ask them how to change what Tenable is requesting.

If you are using SimpleSAMLphp as your IdP then you can force which NameID to use. I think (per https://simplesamlphp.org/docs/development/simplesamlphp-reference-sp-remote) you would edit the SP metadata for Tenable to specify the NameIDFormat and follow the suggested tips about setting a NameID (https://simplesamlphp.org/docs/development/saml:nameid).

- Patrick

F Lengyel

Jan 13, 2022, 12:35:34 AM1/13/22
to simple...@googlegroups.com
Thanks for your reply. We're using Shibboleth IDP version 4.0.1. The Tenable 
SP sends authNrequests to Shibboleth requesting the transient nameID format. That would be ok if the Tenable SP recognized the username attribute we send, which it receives, but doesn't use, despite our configuration in the GUI. We're interested in getting the SP to recognize the attributes we send, or in configuring it to request another NameID format, assuming that's what it can work with (in stark contrast to the preceding versions that required no intervention).

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F Lengyel
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