turn surveys into quizzes

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May 9, 2016, 6:53:31 PM5/9/16
to Simple Groupware
Hi everybody,

looking for a complete evaluation module (as part of an complete e-learning solution, using SGS a a great basis), I'm thinking of using the actual survey module.
By the way, thanks to Patrick Pliessnig for helping me with the survey basics (the tip of having at a minimum two questions to activate the vote button).

What it lacks so forth is :

- the possibility of integrating rich media in the survey question, such as images and videos (I think it would be possible to add custom fields, and to bring the file module flv video player into the survey module ?)

- the possibility to have an answer reference value for comparing the user's answer against the reference answer, a score value to add to a total score when the answer is correct, and then to record a "pass" or "fail" mark for the question and a total score computation

- the possibility to have a view which will show all users results, a line by user and a column by question, with "pass" or "fail" mark, and finally a last column showing the total score

- another improve would be the possibility to chain to another survey when the vote button is clicked (this could then enable a multi-thematics reusable evaluation, one survey by thematic).

If anybody have ideas of conception but also realisation ways, feel free to brings your remarks :-)



PS : I would also bring the idea of a Freenode chatroom/channel first thought by zotz (https://groups.google.com/forum/#!topic/simple-groupware/i-rekgfnDwM) to the front, thinking it would be a great idea to have such a reactive community (this great soft mrits it ;-))

PS2 : @Patrick
Pliessnig : the link to the official/original SGS website advertised at the head of the group forum doesn't work for me (void content) and could discourage some visitors to continue with SGS thinking it is a dead project/software :

This discussion group is for Simple Groupware users to ask questions, find answers, and share tips.
Before posting, please read: http://www.simple-groupware.de/cms/Main/FAQ (esp. question 1)

Patrick Pliessnig

May 12, 2016, 8:25:27 AM5/12/16
to Simple Groupware
Hi Steve

please see my comments below

Am Dienstag, 10. Mai 2016 01:53:31 UTC+3 schrieb Steve BOURNE:
Hi everybody,

looking for a complete evaluation module (as part of an complete e-learning solution, using SGS a a great basis), I'm thinking of using the actual survey module.

the standard survey module does some analysis and scoring. for this it uses the fields 'answers' and 'votedby' and the library 'lib_surveys' to manipulate the data. note however that the data stored in these fields is in a own json-like format. it does not follow rules of relational data structure.
you need to decide whether you want:
  1. to extend this concept by adding custom fields and using your own  'lib_quizz' library.
    if you are sure about your stated simple requirements, this concept could work. every bit of data manipulation would then be done within your own 'lib_quizz' library.

  2. to extend this concept by adding modules for scoring and question management, etc.
    this sounds more complex but will give you greater flexibility in the future because the data could be stored in normal sgs-modules. hence using predefined sgs features.


What it lacks so forth is :

- the possibility of integrating rich media in the survey question, such as images and videos (I think it would be possible to add custom fields, and to bring the file module flv video player into the survey module ?)

(nb: a sgsml module is something like <table> ... </table>. so a module is normally a single relational table with own behaviour)

to add rich media just add a custom field of simple_type 'files' to turn the quizz in a simple media player. check the attachment to see how this could be done. it plays well flv files.

- the possibility to have an answer reference value for comparing the user's answer against the reference answer, a score value to add to a total score when the answer is correct, and then to record a "pass" or "fail" mark for the question and a total score computation

see my comments above. either add custom fields managed by lib_quizz library to achieve the effect or add additional modules to model entities like quizz_answers and quizz_questions and link them to the quizz module. the first concept is straightforward but less flexible in the future. the second one the opposite.

- the possibility to have a view which will show all users results, a line by user and a column by question, with "pass" or "fail" mark, and finally a last column showing the total score

with the first concept simply add additional custom fields probably with the attribute nodb="true" to deactivate persistence and add functions like user_results to the lib_quizz library to map the user results to these fields:

<field ... nodb="true" ...>
   <filter views="all" function="lib_surveys::user_results" />...

with the second concept of additional modules such views could be realized simply by defining <view> ... </view> using sqsml somewhere in the system. the views will be based on plain old sql queries. so a lot of data crunching is possible.

- another improve would be the possibility to chain to another survey when the vote button is clicked (this could then enable a multi-thematics reusable evaluation, one survey by thematic).

unfortunately the vote button is not documented in the sgsml manual. I don't know what exactly triggers it to be displayed. however the technical concept of this button is related to the sgsml field attribute sum="true". if you find out in the sgs code base what exactly triggers this button and how it executes, this could point us to some strategies on how to achieve the chaining. as the vote button is a 'folder-operation' this probably means that each survey thema uses a specific folder. clicking the vote button should then include the move to another folder based on some criteria in a quizz_chain module.


Jul 19, 2016, 6:16:26 PM7/19/16
to Simple Groupware
Hi Patrick,

sorry for being so late, but life and familly is ... time consuming (but this IMHO what time is aiming to : to be used for good things :-))

Thanks for your quick and detailed answer. Would try these details one time :-/

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