Reporting with Koolreport

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Patrick Pliessnig

Jul 19, 2020, 1:51:41 PM7/19/20
to Simple Groupware

I tested Koolreport [1] for integrated reporting with SGS. It works very well.

Basically you can
a) define reports with Koolreport and
b) run them with a URL
c) integrate this URL as an asset in a portal folder of SGS

This way you can easily integrate charts (eg. Google Charts) and exports (eg. PDF, PNG, Excel) in your folder system within SGS.

For the reports to work out of the box, you need to install Koolreports on another domain. This way you can use the latest PHP version (version 5.4 and higher)

In case you want to use a subdomain, SGS might treat the URL as an internal URL and you need to modify the asset_portal.tpl template to avoid that 'iframe=1' is appended to the URL


NB: Koolreports could effectively be integrated more deeply within SGS and would be able to replace some of its functionality. This would need developer's work.
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