test:doc Could not find any member to link

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Taylor Leese

Apr 16, 2014, 9:08:15 PM4/16/14
to simple-b...@googlegroups.com
Hi All,

I'm running across a scenario where I'm attempting to generate test docs (sbt test:doc), but I'm getting errors like the following:

[warn] /Users/tleese/code/my/project/src/test/scala/com/my/stuff/common/tests/util/NumberExtractorsSpecs.scala:9: Could not find any member to link for "com.my.stuff.common.util.IntExtractor".

Basically, the scenario is the scaladocs generated for test classes can't seem to link to the classes in the main sources. To be clear, the references I'm talking about are classes within the same sbt project and not external dependencies. I was able to resolve warnings on external classes via "-external-urls" so that is not what is going on with the issue I'm mentioning above. The scaladocs for the main sources also generate without any warnings so this is an issue specific to scaladocs for test sources. Any idea what I might be doing wrong or need to configure?

The relevant sections of my Build.scala are below:

  val docScalacOptions = Seq(
    "-external-urls:" +
      // this is the only scaladoc location listed on the spray site

    scalacOptions in (Compile, doc) ++= docScalacOptions,
    scalacOptions in (Test, doc) ++= docScalacOptions,
    autoAPIMappings := true,

- Taylor
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