What is the best way to get Ivy classifiers for project dependency?

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Aug 15, 2012, 2:15:13 AM8/15/12
to simple-b...@googlegroups.com
Hi all,

I suspect that there is no one depends their tasks on cross-publish. It is about my previous question. So sad.

I read IvyActions.scala. SBT realy simple, but there isn't much code comments ;-) I got standard update-sbt-classifiers and add to it library-dependencies. Neither original update-sbt-classifiers nor original update-classifiers fetch sources for library-dependencies. This is my way to do it:

myTask = (ivySbt, classifiersModule in updateSbtClassifiers, updateConfiguration,
, target in LocalRootProject, appConfiguration, alignPath, libraryDependencies, streams) map {
(is, origClassifiersModule, c, ivyScala, out, app, path, libDeps, s) =>
(out, origClassifiersModule.classifiers, lock(app)) { excludes =>
import origClassifiersModule.{ id => origClassifiersModuleID, modules => origClassifiersModuleDeps }
// do default update-sbt-classifiers with libDeps
          val extClassifiersModuleDeps
= origClassifiersModuleDeps ++ libDeps
          val customConfig
= GetClassifiersConfiguration(origClassifiersModule, excludes, c, ivyScala)
          val customBaseModuleID
= restrictedCopy(origClassifiersModuleID, true).copy(name = origClassifiersModuleID.name + "$" + label)
          val customIvySbtModule
= new is.Module(InlineConfiguration(customBaseModuleID, ModuleInfo(customBaseModuleID.name), extClassifiersModuleDeps).copy(ivyScala = ivyScala))
          val customUpdateReport
= IvyActions.update(customIvySbtModule, c, s.log)
          val newConfig
= customConfig.copy(module = origClassifiersModule.copy(modules = customUpdateReport.allModules))
          val report
= IvyActions.updateClassifiers(is, newConfig, s.log)
... now process customUpdateReport

Is there more simple way? Google search don't much know about GetClassifiersConfiguration. It would be wonderful to have such simple solution like SBT itself.

Thank you,
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