Re: [sbt] How to prevent generation of src/main/java and src/test/java when no Java files are in project?

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Heiko Seeberger

Mar 25, 2013, 7:12:08 AM3/25/13
sbteclipse uses the sbt setting unmanagedSourceDirectories (by default in Compile and Test configuration) to determine which Eclipse source entries should be created.

By default unmanagedSourceDirectories contains Scala and Java sources:
> inspect unmanaged-source-directories
[info] Setting: scala.collection.Seq[] = List(/Users/heiko/projects/sbteclipse/src/main/scala, /Users/heiko/projects/sbteclipse/src/main/java)
[info] Description:
[info]  Unmanaged source directories, which contain manually created sources.
[info] Provided by:
[info]  {file:/Users/heiko/projects/sbteclipse/}sbteclipse/compile:unmanaged-source-directories
[info] Dependencies:
[info]  sbteclipse/compile:scala-source
[info]  sbteclipse/compile:java-source

In order to avoid the Java source directories to be created, simply redefine unmanagedSourceDirectories by adding these two settings:
unmanagedSourceDirectories in Compile <<= (scalaSource in Compile)(Seq(_))
unmanagedSourceDirectories in Test <<= (scalaSource in Test)(Seq(_))



Heiko Seeberger
Twitter: @hseeberger
Company: Typesafe - The software stack for applications that scale
Author of "Durchstarten mit Scala, a tutorial-style Scala book"

On Mar 24, 2013, at 6:21 PM, Andrew D Bate <> wrote:


I also have multiple modules that each have their own eclipse projects generated.

I did try adding those two lines to my project/build.scala (now attached), but the src/main/java and src/test/java directories were still generated.

For some reason, I cannot upload my project/build.scala, so I have just copied the text below:


import sbt._
import Keys._

object ConsequenceReasonerMultiModuleBuild extends Build {

  lazy val buildSettings = Seq(
    name         := "Consequence Reasoner",
    version      := "0.1-SNAPSHOT",
    organization := "",
    scalaVersion := "2.10.1",
    scalacOptions += "-optimise",
    scalacOptions += "-target:jvm-1.7",
    libraryDependencies += "com.typesafe" % "config" % "1.0.0",
    libraryDependencies += "org.scalatest" % "scalatest_2.10" % "1.9.1" % "test",
    // Dependency at compilation-time only (not at runtime)
    libraryDependencies += "com.nativelibs4java" %% "scalaxy-loops" % "0.3-SNAPSHOT" % "provided" excludeAll(ExclusionRule(organization = "org.scala-lang")),
    // Scalaxy/Loops snapshots are published on the Sonatype repository
    resolvers += Resolver.sonatypeRepo("snapshots"),
    compileOrder in Compile := CompileOrder.Mixed,
    compileOrder in Test := CompileOrder.JavaThenScala

  override lazy val settings = super.settings ++ buildSettings

  // SBT chooses default project based on lexicographical ordering
  lazy val akernel       = Project(id = "cr-kernel",
                                   base = file("reasoner-kernel"))

  lazy val owlapi        = Project(id = "cr-owlapi",
                                   base = file("reasoner-owlapi")) dependsOn(akernel)

  lazy val protegeplugin = Project(id = "cr-protege-plugin",
                                   base = file("reasoner-protege-plugin")) dependsOn(akernel)

  lazy val fssparser     = Project(id = "cr-fss-parser",
                                   base = file("reasoner-fss-parser")) dependsOn(akernel)

  lazy val cli           = Project(id = "cr-cli",
                                   base = file("reasoner-cli")) dependsOn(fssparser)

  lazy val benchmark     = Project(id = "cr-benchmark",
                                   base = file("reasoner-benchmark")) dependsOn(akernel)



Any ideas?

Many thanks,


On Friday, 22 March 2013 10:13:19 UTC, rinma lavi wrote:
Can't tell for sure (since you didn't post project/build.scala)  so here is a blind guess:

There is something like:

unmanagedSourceDirectories in Compile <<= (javaSource in Compile)(_ :: Nil) 
unmanagedSourceDirectories in Test    <<= (javaSource in Compile)(_ :: Nil) 

in there somewhere.


On Thursday, 21 March 2013 14:45:48 UTC+1, Andrew D Bate wrote:

When I run "sbt eclipse" then both src/main/java and src/test/java are regenerated.

Since this is an existing project and there are no Java files (i.e. Scala only), then what can I add to project/build.scala to prevent these directories from being generated?

Any ideas?

Best wishes,


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Andrew D Bate

Mar 25, 2013, 8:01:46 AM3/25/13
I have added those two lines to my project/build.scala, but the java directories are still generated.

Is this because I have multiple modules in my project?

When I type "inspect unmanaged-source-directories" (with those two lines added to my project/build.scala) I get the following output:

[info] Description:
[info]  Unmanaged source directories, which contain manually created sources.
[info] Provided by:
[info]  {file:/E:/GitHub/ConsequenceReasoner/}cr-kernel/compile:unmanaged-source-directories
[info] Dependencies:
[info]  cr-kernel/compile:scala-source
[info]  cr-kernel/compile:java-source
[info] Reverse dependencies:
[info]  cr-kernel/compile:source-directories
[info]  cr-kernel/compile:unmanaged-sources
[info] Delegates:
[info]  cr-kernel/compile:unmanaged-source-directories
[info]  cr-kernel/*:unmanaged-source-directories
[info]  {.}/compile:unmanaged-source-directories
[info]  {.}/*:unmanaged-source-directories
[info]  */compile:unmanaged-source-directories
[info]  */*:unmanaged-source-directories
[info] Related:
[info]  cr-owlapi/compile:unmanaged-source-directories
[info]  cr-fss-parser/test:unmanaged-source-directories
[info]  cr-fss-parser/compile:unmanaged-source-directories
[info]  cr-cli/test:unmanaged-source-directories
[info]  cr-benchmark/compile:unmanaged-source-directories
[info]  cr-protege-plugin/test:unmanaged-source-directories
[info]  cr-benchmark/test:unmanaged-source-directories
[info]  cr-owlapi/test:unmanaged-source-directories
[info]  cr-kernel/test:unmanaged-source-directories
[info]  cr-cli/compile:unmanaged-source-directories
[info]  cr-protege-plugin/compile:unmanaged-source-directories

Many thanks for your help,


Heiko Seeberger

Mar 25, 2013, 10:03:14 AM3/25/13
On Mar 25, 2013, at 1:01 PM, Andrew D Bate <> wrote:

I have added those two lines to my project/build.scala, but the java directories are still generated.

Is this because I have multiple modules in my project?

Yeah, I think so. Instead of defining build settings, please assign the settings to each project. Here is an example:


Andrew D Bate

Mar 25, 2013, 10:58:29 AM3/25/13
In case this thread is useful to others in the future, my working script (i.e. an SBT script which does not generate src/main/java nor src/test/java in any of my sub-projects) is as follows:

import sbt._
import Keys._

object ConsequenceReasonerMultiModuleBuild extends Build {

  lazy val buildSettings = Defaults.defaultSettings ++ Seq(
    //name         := "Consequence Reasoner",
    //version      := "0.1-SNAPSHOT",
    organization := "",
    scalaVersion := "2.10.1",
    scalacOptions += "-optimise",
    scalacOptions += "-target:jvm-1.7",
    libraryDependencies += "com.typesafe" % "config" % "1.0.0",
    libraryDependencies += "org.scalatest" % "scalatest_2.10" % "1.9.1" % "test",
    // Dependency at compilation-time only (not at runtime)
    libraryDependencies += "com.nativelibs4java" %% "scalaxy-loops" % "0.3-SNAPSHOT" % "provided" excludeAll(ExclusionRule(organization = "org.scala-lang")),
    // Scalaxy/Loops snapshots are published on the Sonatype repository
    resolvers += Resolver.sonatypeRepo("snapshots")

  lazy val eclipseSettings = Seq(
    // Avoid the creation of Java source directories in Eclipse projects when using the sbteclipse plugin with the following two lines:
    unmanagedSourceDirectories in Compile <<= (scalaSource in Compile)(Seq(_)),
    unmanagedSourceDirectories in Test <<= (scalaSource in Test)(Seq(_))

  // SBT chooses default project based on lexicographical ordering
  lazy val akernel              = Project(id = "cr-kernel",
                                          base = file("reasoner-kernel"),
                                          settings = buildSettings ++ Seq(name := "CR Kernel") ++ eclipseSettings) dependsOn(optimisedCollections)

  lazy val optimisedCollections = Project(id = "cr-optimised-collections",
                                          base = file("reasoner-optimised-collections"),
                                          settings = buildSettings ++ Seq(name := "CR Optimised Collections") ++ eclipseSettings)

  lazy val owlapi               = Project(id = "cr-owlapi",
                                          base = file("reasoner-owlapi"),
                                          settings = buildSettings ++ Seq(name := "CR OWLAPI Bindings") ++ eclipseSettings) dependsOn(akernel)

  lazy val protegeplugin        = Project(id = "cr-protege-plugin",
                                          base = file("reasoner-protege-plugin"),
                                          settings = buildSettings ++ Seq(name := "CR Protege Plugin") ++ eclipseSettings) dependsOn(akernel)

  lazy val fssparser            = Project(id = "cr-fss-parser",
                                          base = file("reasoner-fss-parser"),
                                          settings = buildSettings ++ Seq(name := "CR FSS Parser") ++ eclipseSettings) dependsOn(akernel)

  lazy val cli                  = Project(id = "cr-cli",
                                          base = file("reasoner-cli"),
                                          settings = buildSettings ++ Seq(name := "CR CLI") ++ eclipseSettings) dependsOn(fssparser)

  lazy val benchmark            = Project(id = "cr-benchmark",
                                          base = file("reasoner-benchmark"),
                                          settings = buildSettings ++ Seq(name := "CR Benchmark Suite") ++ eclipseSettings) dependsOn(akernel)

Thanks go to @Heiko Seeberger

Heiko Seeberger

Mar 25, 2013, 11:07:54 AM3/25/13
Glad it works now!



Heiko Seeberger
Twitter: @hseeberger
Company: Typesafe - The software stack for applications that scale
Author of "Durchstarten mit Scala, a tutorial-style Scala book"


Apr 5, 2013, 2:17:47 AM4/5/13
I do the following globally:

cat ~/.sbt/srcnonexist.sbt
unmanagedSourceDirectories in Compile ~= { _.filter(_.exists) }
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