Hi Jendo-
I'm having the same problem as you were, but I don't understand the
solution you described. When you say it's in the same relative path
as the projects resources folder, isn't that exactly the
project/src/main/resources folder as Eric suggested? In my case, I
had resources in project/src/main/resources in a build definition that
worked fine with sbt 0.11.3. When I upgraded to 0.12.1 the resource
files can no longer be loaded and my build tasks fail. What's more,
when I look at resource-directories after doing reload plugins like
you described, the project/src/main/resources directory is listed
there, so I'm doubly confused as to why these resources can't be
loaded. Any thoughts?
On Fri, Nov 30, 2012 at 11:29 AM, Jendo <
shu...@gmail.com> wrote:
> this