Re: [sbt] Using a source plugin dependency in project build

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Doug Tangren

Jun 1, 2012, 11:26:03 AM6/1/12

On Fri, Jun 1, 2012 at 10:49 AM, Mike Mckibben <> wrote:

I was hoping someone could help me out with getting a source plugin dependency working in my project. I'm trying to use the conscript-plugin in my project that does not yet have a build for sbt 0.11.3. Based on all the documentation I've read, I thought that I could compile the plugin from source and use in my project by defining the following under project/project/build.scala:

import sbt._

object PluginDef extends Build {
  override def projects = Seq(root)
  lazy val root = Project("plugins", file(".")) dependsOn(conscript)
  lazy val conscript = uri("git://")

When I reload my sbt project, everything compiles fine, but the plugin exported tasks are not available (cs-run, etc.). What am I missing?

Adding the plugin just puts it in your build path. To use the plugin's settings. Append the plugins settings to your build definition


for example in your build.sbt

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Doug Tangren

Jun 1, 2012, 11:28:51 AM6/1/12

-Doug Tangren

On Fri, Jun 1, 2012 at 11:26 AM, Doug Tangren <> wrote:

On Fri, Jun 1, 2012 at 10:49 AM, Mike Mckibben <> wrote:

I was hoping someone could help me out with getting a source plugin dependency working in my project. I'm trying to use the conscript-plugin in my project that does not yet have a build for sbt 0.11.3. Based on all the documentation I've read, I thought that I could compile the plugin from source and use in my project by defining the following under project/project/build.scala:

import sbt._

object PluginDef extends Build {
  override def projects = Seq(root)
  lazy val root = Project("plugins", file(".")) dependsOn(conscript)
  lazy val conscript = uri("git://")

When I reload my sbt project, everything compiles fine, but the plugin exported tasks are not available (cs-run, etc.). What am I missing?

Adding the plugin just puts it in your build path. To use the plugin's settings. Append the plugins settings to your build definition


for example in your build.sbt for example if you are using a .scala build definition

Doug Tangren

Jun 1, 2012, 12:19:19 PM6/1/12
On Fri, Jun 1, 2012 at 11:47 AM, Mike Mckibben <> wrote:
Perfect! Thanks. I knew I was missing something basic.

No problem. Now build something awesome and share it! There's also a list for conscript if you're interested in any kind of announcement!forum/conscript-scala

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