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Re: SBT 7.x to 12.3 upgrade/migration issues

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May 10, 2013, 12:04:49 PM5/10/13
BasicScalaProject DefaultProject ProjectInfo do not have direct analogies in sbt 0.12, they are somewhat replaced with Build and Project 
IdeaProject is again does not have direct replacement, see sbt-idea plugin
The others are replaceable by IO and Path/PathFinder

On Monday, May 6, 2013 2:40:11 PM UTC+3, Gabriel wrote:
Hi everyone,

I have just taken over a project using SBT 7.x and I am trying to convert it to use 12.3. The project has config as a *.java file and I can't find where some of the classes/objects that are used were moved to. I found a VERY small table in the migration docs, but is it not complete, for example it says that FileUtilities was moved to IO, which is true only for some of the functions. The following functions/classes/objects are nowhere to be found:
  • FileUtilities.copyFlat
  • FileUtilities.clean
  • Path.lazyPathFinder
  • BasicScalaProject
  • MavenStyleScalaPaths
  • DefaultProject
  • ProjectInfo
  • IdeaProject
Can someone please tell me where those went or where there is a complete log of changes?

Thanks, Gabriel
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