Students: please email me Photo & Answer to question.

瀏覽次數:3 次

Sigurd Magnusson

2012年5月1日 清晨6:35:062012/5/1

Hi all, when you were accepted you were asked to email me the following:

1. Photo of you (preferably a headshot, potentially something that indicates your country; as you will soon see we have students from all over the planet.)

2. What makes your project and working with SilverStripe so exciting for you? (2-3 sentences maximum.)

Only a couple of you have done this so far :-/

If you could send this to me in the next 12 hours that would be ideal: I am giving a quick presentation to developers in our city about Google Summer of Code and this would make useful slides! I'm very excited about the promise of all the work and want to give you a little visibility to our local developer community.

Ingo, thanks for the chase up before. I'm also hoping to more details fleshed out for the projects over at
(If you choose not to host your information there, that is okay, but please put a link in your project page on this wiki to where your info is. Then everyone can use the above wiki homepage URL as a starting point for finding out about the projects.)


Sigurd Magnusson
Business Relationship Manager

Mobile: (NZ): +64 21 42 12 08
Skype: sigurdmagnusson

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