Today is (soft) pencil's down date

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Ingo Schommer

Aug 13, 2012, 7:15:12 AM8/13/12
Hello students and mentors,

Today marks the "soft pencils down date", as Google calls it.
This means feature development should stop,
and your attention should shift to polish.

For your projects, this will mean the following activities:
- Documentation (user and dev)
- Test coverage (mainly unit, maybe some functional)
- Continuous integration (e.g. on
Yuki has done this for the content personalization module, which is awesome (see post)
- Documenting remaining highlevel work (e.g. in a github wiki page)
- Documenting remaining bugs (e.g. in github issues)
- Creating a release for the module (if applicable), and registering it on

I've contacted some of you individually about mergebacks,
please use this week to get some peer review,
and do everything you can to ensure a smooth mergeback.

The firm pencils down date is on the 20th (ical).
Many of you have expressed interest to continue working
on your project after GSOC, which is fantastic!
But we also need to submit a "final code result" to Google.

So on the 20th, please tag a release and send me a download link (github generates those automatically).
If there's any code outside of github (there really shouldn't be), you can upload files 
in the "downloads" section of your repo manually as well.
If your project involved core, please include diff files (created through git format-patch?).


Ingo Schommer

Aug 17, 2012, 3:19:00 PM8/17/12
Hello again,

I've just found some official guidance from Google on the code submissions: 


On 13/08/2012, at 1:03 PM, Ingo Schommer <> wrote:

Hello students and mentors,

Today marks the "soft pencils down date", as Google calls it.
This means feature development should stop,
and your attention should shift to polish.

For most of our GSOC projects, this will mean the following:
- Documentation (user and dev)
- Test coverage (mainly unit, maybe some functional)
- Continuous integration (e.g. on
Yuki has done this for the content personalization module, which is awesome (see post)
- Documenting remaining highlevel work (e.g. in a github wiki page)
- Documenting remaining bugs (e.g. in github issues)
- Creating a release for the module (if applicable), and registering it on

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