KY Bill of perticulars

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Charles Byrnes

Aug 5, 2008, 1:37:25 PM8/5/08
to silverbulletcannabis:
Rev Rollin A Duby
Dose this bill of perticulars look ok
Bill of perticulars.rtf

Roland A. Duby

Aug 7, 2008, 10:27:47 PM8/7/08
I would file this one

be sure to have 3 witnesses to your signature with their county and state
next to their name.

also don't forget to print the exhibits from our webpage they have to be
filed as well.

the court clerk will be real happy if you have copies of everything for her
so she can file the original and give a copie to the judge

you should also have a third party serve the prosecutor with his copy.


> {\rtf1\ansi\ansicpg1252\deff0\deflang1033{\fonttbl{\f0\fmodern\fcharset0
> Courier New;}{\f1\froman\fcharset0 Times New Roman;}{\f2\fswiss\fcharset0
> Arial;}}
> {\colortbl ;\red0\green0\blue0;\red192\green192\blue192;}
> {\*\generator Msftedit
>;}\viewkind4\uc1\pard\sl480\slmult1\qj\f0\fs26 \cf1 Robert
> Paehlke\par
> 105 Grand Ave \par
> Taylor Mill,Ky.\par
> 41015\par
> \cf0
> \par
> \pard\sa8\sl-285\slmult0\qc\cf1 THE Commonwealth of Kentucky\par
> Kenton County District COURT\par
> \par
> \pard\sa8\sl-285\slmult0\qj\par
> \pard\qj FOR THE COUNTY OF Kenton \tab\tab\cf0 Case no.08-043648\par
> \pard\qj\tx422\cf1\par
> \pard\qj\cf0\tab\tab\tab\tab\tab\tab\tab\tab\tab\tab\par
> \cf1 STATE of Kentucky \par
> \par
> \pard\qc DEMAND \i FOR \i0 BILL OF PARTICULARS\par
> \pard\qj\par
> \par
> \pard\sl360\slmult1\qj\tx725 Comes now the accused, by special appearance,
> pursuant to the limitations imposed upon plaintiff and this tribunal by
> \cf0 Kentucky Section 1 Second: The right of worshipping Almighty God
> according to the dictates of their consciences\f1\fs24 \cf1\f0\fs26
> ,Section 5,\cf0\f1\fs24 No human authority shall, in any case whatever,
> control or interfere with the rights of conscience.\cf1\f0\fs26 , with
> authority and unalienable right to know the nature and cause to the
> instant accusations, in the above captioned statutory cause, to demand
> that plaintiff provide to the accused a Bill of Particulars to make more
> definite and certain the accusatory instrument of plaintiff in the
> following respects, to wit: the venue in which the process of plaintiff
> was issued and served and the jurisdiction of this tribunal invoked over
> the accused by the accusatory instrument and process of the plaintiff in
> the following particulars:\par
> \pard\sl360\slmult1\qj\tx34\par
> \pard\sl360\slmult1\qj 1. Does the \cf0\ul Canon Law treatise on
> government placing a Substantial Burden on the practice of a religious
> belief which is sincerely held by all those of the Christian faith
> (religion of the Anointed ones) in the Second Coming of Jesus the Anointed
> One according to the revelatory Word\ulnone , and \cf1 the \ul Order for
> the Honorable Catechumen\ulnone attached conform to the Meyers test in
> USA v. David Meyers, Tenth Circuit (D.C. No. 95-CR-58)? YES or NO?\par
> \par
> 2. Is the District Attorney\rquote s office able to detail the States
> compelling interest in barring religious usage of Cannabis (KNH BSM) in
> the Orthodox Christian sacrament, under the strict scrutiny test that the
> RFRA demands of such regulations? Yes or No?\par
> \pard\sl360\slmult1\qj\tx768\par
> \pard\sl360\slmult1\qj 3. Is the District Attorney\rquote s office able to
> detail the States compelling interest in barring the usage of Cannabis
> (KNH BSM) as a means of self defense against debilitating diseases such as
> Cancer, or any mutating cell disease, blindness from glaucoma,
> chemotherapy induced nausea, (see exhibit E Run from the Cure Transcript).
> \par
> \pard\fi720\sl360\slmult1\qj And in Claim Number 23. The method of claim
> 22 where the compound is cannabidiol. 24. The method of claim 22, wherein
> the ischemic or eurodegenerative is an ischemic infarct, Alzheimer\rquote
> s disease, Parkinson\rquote s disease, and human immunodeficiency virus
> dementia, Down\rquote s syndrome, or heart disease. 25. The method of
> claim 24 wherein the disease is an ischemic infarct. exhibit I US Patent
> No.: US 6,630,507 B1? Yes or No?\par
> \pard\sl360\slmult1\qj\tx768\par
> 4. What allegation(s) or fact(s) does plaintiff depend to establish the
> status of the accused within purview of the statute alleged by plaintiff
> to have been violated by the accused?\par
> \pard\sl360\slmult1\qj\tx720\par
> \pard\sl360\slmult1\qj 5. What allegation(s) or fact(s) does plaintiff
> depend upon to establish the accused is within the venue of the process
> purported to be properly served upon the accused?\par
> \par
> 6. What allegation(s) or fact(s) does plaintiff depend upon to establish
> the personal jurisdiction of the above captioned tribunal over accused and
> to establish that such personal jurisdiction was regularly and lawfully
> obtained?\par
> \par
> \pard\sb100\sa100 7. Is Possesion of Marijuana,under authority of which
> plaintiff purports to bring statutory accusation against the accused,
> enacted by the Kentucky Legislature\cf0\f1\fs24 , \cf1\f0\fs26 under the
> authority of the Common-Law Jurisdiction, in a venue consistent therewith,
> as authorized by the Constitution for the State of Kentuckt? Yes or
> No.\par
> \pard\sl360\slmult1\qj\par
> \pard\sb100\sa100 8. Is Possesion of Marijuana, under authority of which
> plaintiff purports to bring statutory accusation against\b \b0 the
> accused, enacted by the Kentucky Legislature,\cf0\f1\fs24 \cf1\f0\fs26
> under the authority of the Corporate Jurisdiction, in a venue consistent
> therewith, as authorized by the Constitution for the State of Kentucky
> ?\cf2 \cf1 Yes or No.\par
> \pard\sl360\slmult1\qj\par
> \pard\sb100\sa100 9. Is Possesion of Marijuana, under authority of which
> plaintiff purports to bring statutory accusation against the accused,
> enacted by the Kentucky Legislature\cf0\f1\fs24 , \cf1\f0\fs26 under the
> authority of the Maritime/Admiralty Jurisdiction, in a venue consistent
> therewith, as authorized by the Constitution for the State of Kentucky ?
> Yes or No.\par
> \pard\sl360\slmult1\qj\par
> \pard\sb100\sa100 10. Is \cf2 [\cf1 under authority of which plaintiff
> purports to bring statutory accusation against the accused, enacted by the
> Kentucky Legislature\cf0\f1\fs24 ,\cf2\f0\fs26 \cf1 under the authority
> of the Martial-Law Jurisdiction, in a venue consistent therewith, as
> authorized by the Constitution for the State of Kentucky? Yes or No.\par
> \pard\sl360\slmult1\qj\par
> 11. Does plaintiff invoke a Common-Law Jurisdiction in the instant
> statutory cause in the above captioned tribunal ? Yes or No.\par
> \par
> 12. Did plaintiff issue and serve process in a\b \b0 Common-Law venue to
> compel the appearance of the accused in the above captioned tribunal and
> cause consistent therewith? Yes or No.\par
> \par
> 13. Does plaintiff invoke a corporate Jurisdiction in the instant
> statutory cause in the above captioned\b \b0 tribunal? Yes or No.\par
> \par
> 14. Did plaintiff issue and serve process in a corporate venue to compel
> the appearance of the accused in the above captioned tribunal and cause \i
> consistent therewith? Yes or No.\i0\par
> \i\par
> 15. \i0 Does plaintiff invoke a Maritime/Admiralty Jurisdiction in the
> instant statutory cause in the above captioned tribunal? Yes or No.\i\par
> \pard\sl360\slmult1\qj\tx739\i0\par
> 16. Did plaintiff issue and serve process in a Maritime/Admiralty venue to
> compel the appearance of the accused in the above captioned tribunal and
> cause consistent therewith? Yes or No.\par
> \pard\sl360\slmult1\qj\par
> 17. Does plaintiff invoke a Martial-Law Jurisdiction in the \i instant
> statutory \i0 cause in the above captioned tribunal? Yes or No.\par
> \pard\sl360\slmult1\qj\tx739\par
> 18. Did plaintiff issue and serve process in a Martial-Law venue to compel
> the appearance of the accused in the above captioned tribunal and cause
> consistent therewith? Yes or No.\par
> \par
> 19. Does plaintiff allege that the ''person,'' as defined in and for the
> statute(s)218A1422 & 218A500 , violation of which said statute(s) is
> alleged by the accusatory instrument of plaintiff, an Artificial Person?
> Yes or No.\par
> \par
> 20. Does plaintiff allege that the ''person,'' as defined in and for the
> statute(s)\cf2 \cf1 218A1422 & 218A500 , violation of which said
> statute(s) is alleged by the accusatory instrument of plaintiff, a Natural
> Person? Yes or No.\par
> \pard\sl360\slmult1\qj\par
> 21. Does the statute (s)218A1422 & 218A500 \tab violation of which said
> statute(s) is alleged by the accusatory instrument of plaintiff, conform
> to the Controlled Substances treaty between the federal government and the
> United Nations outlawing the hemp crop \cf0 with the provision mandating
> that federal authorities control all drugs of abuse at least as strictly
> as required by the Single Convention(\ul 21 U.S.C. \'a7 811(d)\ulnone ).
> YES or NO.\par
> \par
> \pard\sb100\sa100 22.\tab Does the Constitution of Kentucky Section 1
> Second: The right of worshipping Almighty God according to the dictates of
> their consciences \f1\fs24 Second: The right of worshipping Almighty God
> according to the dictates of their consciences \cf1\f0\fs26 ,Section
> 5,\cf0\f1\fs24 No human authority shall, in any case whatever, control or
> interfere with the rights of conscience. \cf1\f0\fs26 guarantee the
> accused with the right to establish religion in the Second Coming of Jesus
> Anointed? YES or NO.\par
> \pard\sa50\sl360\slmult1\qj\tx768\par
> Failure of plaintiff to timely provide the accused the BILL\par
> \pard\sl360\slmult1\qj\tx768 OF PARTICULARS herein demanded by accused, to
> make more definite and certain the accusatory instrument and accusations
> of plaintiff in the aforesaid respects for clarification of the venue and
> Jurisdiction of the statute(s) depended upon by plaintiff and the venue
> and jurisdiction invoked by plaintiff in the above captioned tribunal,
> will be considered an attempt by plaintiff to withhold full disclosure of
> the nature and cause of the accusations brought by plaintiff and will make
> it impossible for the accused to meaningfully respond to or defend against
> the accusations and process made and issued or caused to be issued by
> plaintiff.\par
> \pard\sl360\slmult1\qj\par
> \pard\sl480\slmult1\qj Subscribed this 1st day of Augest. in the Year of
> Our Lord and Savior Jesus the Christ, 2008\par
> \pard\qj\par
> \par
> ______________________\par
> \pard\sl480\slmult1\qj Robert Paehlke\cf2 \cf0\endash Accused\par
> 105 \cf1 Grand Ave\par
> Taylor Mill KY 41015\par
> 859 835-4117\par
> \par
> \tab\cf0 \cf1\tab\tab\tab\tab\cf2\par
> \par
> \pard\cf0\f1\fs24\par
> \f2\fs20\par
> }

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