Good timing, I was actually going to send a reminder later today.
The drinks at *every* Friday, without fail - at the Shelbourne (although we are hoping to change the location because it sucks, but only once, we want consistency).
Friday - 6pm - Shelbourne. That's all you need to remember. We are normally situated by the pool table; at the standing table near the doors on the inside; or hidden in the back left corner table outside, near the exit.
Bart and myself are 90% always there. Mick Liubinskas and Lachlan Hardy drop by when they can as well. Hopefully we will get a critical mass in future, that there will always be someone there not dependent on one personality.
You may have seen references to them as FITSBAD (Mick) or Official Friday (Bart); they refer to the same thing. Mick called drinks like six weeks ago, and that first night, we all agreed we need to make it every week at the same location without fail, to incubate this industry and build community. Mick gave it a name "FIT Drinks" (Friday Information Technology Drinks), and I replied with a modifcation which he liked: FITSBAD or Friday Information Technology Silicon Beach Australia Drinks (he liked it because it had a sinbad sound to it...yeah, I dunno). However the same day a name was decided, Bart and I went on a drunken brainstorming session and came out with "Official Friday". We thought it was brilliant at the time...
Either way, those drinks and this group's creation are for very similar reasons - so drinks are all part of the grand plan :)
EVERYONE is welcome! No set agenda. No plan. Just people & alchohol with a common interest, same place same time every week.
If you have never been: you can DM me on Twitter, as I check before I go and when I'm there: @liako
You can also contact me on my mobile: 0412 338 508