SIGLEX election results

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SIGLEX members

Aug 23, 2024, 2:52:40 PM8/23/24
to SIGLEX members
The SIGLEX election results are in. The following members have been elected to the SIGLEX board:

Secretary: Tiago Timponi Torrent
Vice-president: Massimo Poesio
Vice-secretary: Steven Schockaert
MWE representative: Verginica Barbu Mititelu
SemEval representative: Xiaodan Zhu

As per the SIGLEX constitution,  the current Vice-President and Vice-Secretary are promoted, so the above 4 board members will be joined by:

President: Marianna Apidianaki
Secretary: Ivan Vulić would have been promoted but has decided to step down, hence the election of Tiago Timponi Torrent above.

Thanks to everyone who ran for a position; your time and effort to support SIGLEX are greatly appreciated! Thanks also to the 112 SIGLEX members who voted in the election!

Steven Bethard
on behalf of the
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