Dear SIGLEX member,
According to the
SIGLEX constitution, the next SIGLEX board will start in August 2024, and new officers must be elected by the SIGLEX membership. We thus need your help now for nominating candidates for the following positions by May 1, 2024:
- Vice-President Elect*
- Vice-Secretary Elect*
- SemEval representative
- SIGLEX-MWE section representative
*Note: The Vice-President Elect and the Vice-Secretary Elect will automatically become the President and the Secretary of the following board that will start in 2024, so these positions require a 4 year commitment.
Why consider nominating (or agreeing to be nominated)?SIGLEX is one of the largest ACL SIGs, with over 470 members. Its mission is:
- To promote interest in the Lexicon.
- To provide members of the ACL having a special interest in the Lexicon with a means of exchanging news of recent research developments and other matters of interest in the Lexicon.
- To sponsor meetings and workshops on the Lexicon that appear to be timely and worthwhile.
SIGLEX has currently two sections:
- SemEval that runs semantic evaluations
- MWE that promotes activity on multiword expressions and organizes the annual MWE workshop
SIGLEX also organizes the yearly
Joint Conference on Lexical and Computational Semantics (*SEM). Serving on the SIGLEX board will put you in a unique position to shape the development of these communities and the associated events!
How to nominate?Please send a) the candidate name, b) affiliation, and c) the position you want to nominate the candidate for to no later than May 1, 2024.
Note that candidates must be nominated by two members of SIGLEX, they must accept nomination, and they must be members in good standing of SIGLEX. Moreover the candidates for the MWE and the SemEval Section Representative should be a member of the MWE and of the SemEval Section of SIGLEX, respectively.
Steven Bethard
On behalf of the