CLEF-2024 CheckThat! Lab -- Call for Participation (training set available for all tasks)

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Feb 29, 2024, 3:05:29 PMFeb 29
to SIGLEX members

(apologies for cross-posting)

Dear colleague,

Once again, we invite you to participate in the 2024 edition of the CheckThat! Lab at CLEF 2024. This year, we feature six tasks ---two follow-up and four new--- that correspond to important components within and around the full fact-checking pipeline in multiple languages:

Task 1 Check-worthiness in tweets. to identify claims that could be important to verify on social- and mainstream media. Available in Arabic, English, Dutch and Spanish.

Task 2 Subjectivity in news articles. to spot text that should be processed with specific strategies; benefiting the fact-checking pipeline. Available in Arabic, English, German, Italian, and Multilingual.

Task 3 Persuasion Techniques. to identify text spans in which a persuasion technique is being issued to influence the reader. This task is offered in four languages: Arabic, Bulgarian, English, Portuguese and Slovene.

Task 4 Detecting hero, villain, and victim from memes. Detecting hero, villain, and victim from memes:} to predict the role of each entity: hero, villain, victim, or other in a given meme and a list of entities. Available in Arabic, English and Code-mixed. 

Task 5 Rumor Verification using Evidence from Authorities. to retrieve evidence from trusted sources (authorities that have “real knowledge'' on the matter) and determine if the rumor is supported, refuted, or unverifiable according to the evidence. Available in Arabic and English.


Task 6 Robustness of Credibility Assessment with Adversarial Examples. to discover small changes that could be applied to the misinformation text, causing the provided classifiers to make wrong predictions. Available for news articles, tweets, propaganda techniques and claims (including regarding COVID-19) in English.

Further information: 


Register and participate: 

Important Dates


- 22 April 2024: Lab registration closes

- 2 May 2024: Beginning of the evaluation cycle (test sets release)

- 6 May 2024 (23:59 AOE): End of the evaluation cycle (run submission)

- 31 May 2024: Deadline for the submission of working notes

- 10 June 2024: Submission of Condensed Lab Overviews [LNCS]

- 21 June 2024: Camera Ready Copy of Condensed Lab Overviews [LNCS] due

- 24 June 2024: Notification of acceptance of working notes

- 8 July 2024: Deadline for submission of camera-ready working notes

- 22-26 July 2024: Preview of working notes

- 9-12 September 2024: CLEF 2024 Conference in Grenoble, France

Best regards,

The CLEF-2024 CheckThat! Lab Shared Task Organizers

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