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MPC Designation for SSO (G68) 1-7-10

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Jan 7, 2010, 10:12:16 AM1/7/10
to Sierra Stars Observatory
It turns out that that designation I posted yesterday was from a
message that was resent to me for some reason by th MPC. Rainer was
expecting a new discovery notice, which I thought the message was for.
It may be because the second night's data set was from H11 instead of
G68. I'm not clear on the protocal for this situation. Rainer just
sent me a message about the new designation, which I have yet to

Hi Rich,

KRA037 is now 2010 AB.

The following objects, brighter than V = 20.0, were found in the 15.0-
arcminute region around the following observation:

KRA037 C2010 01 05.33565 06 59 52.04 +22 48 34.2 18.3
R G68

Object designation R.A. Decl. V Offsets
Motion/min Orbit Further observations?
h m s ° ' " R.A. Decl.
Mot. PA Comment (Elong/Decl/V at date 1)

2010 AB 06 59 52.1 +22 48 34 18.5 0.0E 0.0S
0.7 307.8 V Desirable between 2010 Jan. 13-20.
2001 QP132 06 59 58.6 +22 51 43 19.4 1.5E 3.1N
0.7 267.1 5o Very desirable between 2010 Jan. 24-Feb. 23.
2001 MR18 07 00 12.1 +22 51 55 19.9 4.6E 3.4N
0.7 266.8 4o Very desirable between 2010 Jan. 24-Feb. 23.
(18766) Broderick 07 00 17.4 +22 53 14 18.6 5.8E 4.7N
0.6 274.5 12o None needed at this time.
(229437) 2005 TZ170 07 00 09.8 +22 41 44 19.1 4.1E 6.8S
0.7 268.3 5o None needed at this time.

The orbit (V = Vaisala) is from two nights (first G68, second H11).
This is a discovery made at G68.



Jan 7, 2010, 11:28:55 AM1/7/10
to Sierra Stars Observatory
Well I just received the notice after all from the MPC . . .


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