The eagle has landed?

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Chris Everard - British author & Film maker

Jan 31, 2023, 5:36:22 PM1/31/23
Frankly, the original Apollo landing footage was such bad quality, that even today, it is difficult to discern whether it is real - or whether it was a simulation, with a model of the lunar lander…The best guess is that on the day of the Apollo 11...

Frankly, the original Apollo landing footage was such bad quality, that even today, it is difficult to discern whether it is real - or whether it was a simulation, with a model of the lunar lander…

The best guess is that on the day of the Apollo 11 broadcast, we were shown footage filmed during training classes on a life-size model of the lunar surface which NASA constructed at Flagstaff in Arizona...

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Since 1969, it’s been made harder to sort fact from fiction because NASA announced they ‘LOST’ the original Apollo 11 footage!

A life-size lunar lander and two actors dressed in identical space suits was broadcast as the Apollo landing happened by CBS who also used animations - but the simulation and animation captions were added later AFTER the broadcast …

Was this simulation - in a TV studio - with two actors in space suits - is this actually what we saw from a different camera angle with a degraded picture?

And why are the footprints on this life-size model of the lunar surface at the Atlanta Southeastern Expo EXACTLY THE SAME as the original Apollo 11 photos?  Was the moon landing filmed in Atlanta… Or was it filmed at Area51’s Mercury Test Range with the help of Walt Disney?

According to the CBS broadcast on the day of the landing, their studio set of the lunar surface and life-size model of the lunar lander was based at the GRUMMAN facility in Bethpage, NEW YORK.

Curiously, great expense had been invested in the life-size model of the lunar lander which was featured in CBS broadcasts as the moon landing happened - in fact, this model was accurate - including all the internal control panels and switches and even tubes connecting the actors spacesuits with the oxygen tank onboard the lunar module.

Another curious fact is that the space suit gloves are covered in a dark powder - exactly like Neil Armstrong describes in his famous stepping off…

Armstrong described the lunar surface like FINE POWDERED CHARCOAL WHICH STICKS TO MY BOOTS - how did whoever made the lifesize model of the lunar lander, how would they know way ahead of the actual landing what lunar dust would actually look like - how would they know beforehand that the fine powder on the lunar surface would stick to the gloves and boots?

How did walter cronkite know that the lunar surface would be covered in a dust as fine as talcum powder at least two hours before the landing had been announced and shown on CBS live TV? [VT apollo 11 moon landing 50th anniversary live stream]

Another strange anomaly is that the original Apollo photos of the lunar module  show hastily installed panels which seem to be ridiculously flimsy - the far left panel had not even been trimmed to fit the frame of the lunar module - so I ask - is this the actual lunar module, or the backside of a life size model?

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