Generate electricity from plain dirt

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Chris Everard - British author & Film maker

Oct 28, 2022, 7:45:00 PM10/28/22
Long Before Einstein... Before Tesla... Before Edison... and way before Marconi...…A humble Kentucky farmer invented a device which transforms rain into electricity...Not only that - but he invented the TELEPHONE - and he did it by connecting wires to...

Long Before Einstein... Before Tesla... Before Edison... and way before Marconi...

…A humble Kentucky farmer invented a device which transforms rain into electricity...

Not only that - but he invented the TELEPHONE - and he did it by connecting wires to a TREE [yes, a tree] and had a conversation with his son 3 miles away.

But the mainstream media have airbrushed this man from history... So it's a good thing you have subscribed to the Enigma Channel.

When batteries powered by a simple cup of tap water started selling on AliBaba, the boss of the website was suddenly and mysteriously KIDNAPPED...

Dozens of water-powered torches and flashlights were selling like hot cakes on AMAZON - but suddenly most models of water-powered products were suddenly de-listed from AmazonUK and Amazon France's websites...


The Enigma Channel team investigate and demonstrate amazingly powerful torches all powered by water in our new film THE MAN WHO SAW TOMORROW...

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Our HERETICS OF SCIENCE TV series demonstrates how electricity with huge voltages can be created by piling coins on top of eachother.

We also showcase the fundamental principles of MAGNETIC PROPULSION and how LINEAR MAGNETIC MOTORS can be powered by WATER, or even powered by electricity which can be generated from garden soil!

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Our HERETICS OF SCIENCE TV series explains how you can place a home-made device in a hole in the ground and it will make electricity from plain dirt.

Believe it or not, but batteries can be charged from the Earth's crust - this technology could light up the world for free and let us all communicate for free.

HERETICS OF SCIENCE: Watch this deeply informative TV series - its way beyond the clickbait on YouTube. Learn how this soft-spoken Kentucky farmer invented wireless radio broadcasting and even telephones which needed no wires….



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The HERETICS OF SCIENCE TV series is now streaming - with hours and hours of fascinating scientific devices which the DEEP STATE don't want you to know anything about...

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