Freemasonry and the slave trade

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Chris Everard - British author & Film maker

Oct 25, 2022, 9:54:01 PM10/25/22
CHRIS EVERARD takes you on an A B C tour of EXACTLY how the aristocracy got rich... The aristocracy do not pay tax - they set up fake companies in TAX HAVENS and funnel all their earnings and expenses through these tax havens - and that includes the...

CHRIS EVERARD takes you on an A B C tour of EXACTLY how the aristocracy got rich... 

The aristocracy do not pay tax - they set up fake companies in TAX HAVENS and funnel all their earnings and expenses through these tax havens - and that includes the late QUEEN OF ENGLAND who was exposed in the PANAMA PAPERS as sheltering her stake in two British corporations…

Many famous corporations now have billions in the bank - and those billions should actually be spent on paying taxes to keep the fabric of society running - but for many years now, these super-rich corporations have been getting richer and richer - whilst the thumbscrews have been put on ordinary working class people.

But that's just the start of CHRIS EVERARD'S investigation...

Most of the so called Commonwealth nations were actually SLAVE DEPOTS, providing wealth for the ancestors of people like former British prime minister DAVID CAMERON...

And of course, nearly everyone in these Commonwealth nations were SLAVES - mostly farming OPIUM and Sugar for the super-wealthy illuminati families back in London.

When we think of slavery, we often think about the Africans who were captured, shackled with slave collars and then paraded at street markets, sold alongside livestock.

Many of the slave collars bear the hallmark of Freemasons - many of whom ran the slave trade and whose descendants used their wealth from slavery to create political and economic dynasties in Europe.

The British crown created hundreds of thousands of WHITE SLAVES by convicting them of petty crimes and then deporting them - especially the political opponents of the British Crown. Many became political prisoners in strange lands, and that’s where many died.

Even children were captured and deported from Scotland and Ireland, to its overseas colonies in the Americas from the 1610s until early in the American Revolution in 1776. Trading in slaves and selling them in America was temporarily suspended by the Criminal Law Act 1776 - but the masonic slave traders had so much wealth and political influence that slavery was still common long after supposed anti-slavery laws were passed. In fact slavery was mandated in Scotland by an act of 1785.

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Conditions in the slave ships were harsh and fatal to many. Their slave collars had masonic sigils, and sometimes the slave-master’s logo was branded into their skin with a hot iron. Indeed, slaves witnessed masonic rituals aboard slave ships, and amalgamated some of the European masonic-witchcraft symbols into Voodoo.

Slave markets paraded people, alongside mules, and alongside the African slaves there were WHITE SLAVES who had been duped or ‘arrested’ by Press Gangs in Ireland and Britain.

These white slaves were highly prized as house-servants and for sex by wealthy plantation owners - many of whom used their profits from slavery to build stately homes and became what we today call the ‘aristocracy’.

The aristocracy created PENAL COLONIES in Canada, the USA and especially in the Caribbean.

Today, many of the colonies created by the British Crown have become tax havens.

Vast numbers of WHITE SLAVES were deported from Ireland, Scotland and especially from London’s streets to live in semi-tropical plantations growing sugar-cane which was made into alcohol.

The aristocracy’s PENAL COLONIES in the USA and later in Australia, were not the only CONCENTRATION CAMPS which the British set-up. There were Indian ‘Reservations’ which also used gestapo style hard-labor techniques to literally work people to death. This is more than a century before Hitler.

During the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, more than 300,000 white people were shipped to the Americas as slaves. In Britain’s cities, homeless children were called ‘Street Urchins’. They were captured on Britain’s streets to labor in the tobacco fields to enrich slave-owners, slave-traders and tobacco merchants.

Hard labour for these white slaves gave them the same life expectancy as their fellow negro slaves. Many were killed through over-work within two years.

Irish and British brothels were raided to provide “breeders” for the plantations of Virginia.

The ‘American Dream’ of gullible Irish and British migrants turned into an ‘American Nightmare’ when they discovered that they had been hoodwinked into signing themselves up as shackled farm-hands, house servants, or used as ‘bait’ in ambushes which killed many First Nations Indians who were protecting their lands and burial grounds.

Following the British and United States' bans on the African slave trade in 1807, the slave-traders became more devious, and the trade diversified.

Europe’s aristocracy continued to exploit slaves, making huge profits from distilling plantation sugar-cane into alcohol. Between 1810 and 1860, over 3.5 million slaves were captured and traded - and that is supposedly after the slavery ban was introduced. A staggering 850,000 people were enslaved between 1820 and 1829.

The profits built dynasties who awarded themselves pompous titles such as ‘Baron’, ‘Viscount’ or ‘Duke’.

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